Create ToxPi Prioritization Models

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Documentation for package ‘toxpiR’ version 1.2.1

Help Pages ToxPi Result
as.TxpModelList List of TxpModel objects
as.TxpResultList List of TxpResult objects
as.TxpSliceList List of TxpSlice objects
as.TxpTransFuncList List of TxpTransFunc objects
boxLegendGrob Create a filled-box legend
duplicated-method List of TxpModel objects
duplicated-method List of TxpResult objects
duplicated-method List of TxpSlice objects
grid.pieGridGrob Make grid of pieGrobs
grid.pieGrob Create a pie grob
length-method ToxPi Model
length-method ToxPi Result
length-method ToxPi Slice
merge-method ToxPi Model
merge-method ToxPi Slice
names-method ToxPi Model
names-method ToxPi Result
names<--method ToxPi Model
names<--method ToxPi Result
pieGridGrob Make grid of pieGrobs
pieGrob Create a pie grob
plot Plot TxpResult objects
plot-method Plot TxpResult objects
sort-method ToxPi Result
toxpiR-datasets toxpiR data objects
txpCalculateScores Calculate ToxPi Scores for the given model and input data
txpCalculateScores-method Calculate ToxPi Scores for the given model and input data
txpExportGui Export comma-separated file intended for ToxPi GUI
txpGenerics toxpiR package generics
txpIDs toxpiR package generics
txpIDs-method ToxPi Result
txpIDs<- toxpiR package generics
txpIDs<--method ToxPi Result
txpImportGui Import data file generated by ToxPi GUI
TxpModel ToxPi Model
txpModel toxpiR package generics
TxpModel-class ToxPi Model
txpModel-method ToxPi Result
TxpModel-txpSlices ToxPi Model
TxpModelList List of TxpModel objects
TxpModelList-class List of TxpModel objects
txpRanks toxpiR package generics
txpRanks-method ToxPi Result
TxpResult ToxPi Result
TxpResult-class ToxPi Result
TxpResult-plot Plot TxpResult objects
TxpResultList List of TxpResult objects
TxpResultList-class List of TxpResult objects
TxpResultParam ToxPi Result Parameters
txpResultParam toxpiR package generics
TxpResultParam-class ToxPi Result Parameters
txpResultParam-method ToxPi Result
txpScores toxpiR package generics
txpScores-method ToxPi Result
TxpSlice ToxPi Slice
TxpSlice-class ToxPi Slice
TxpSliceList List of TxpSlice objects
TxpSliceList-class List of TxpSlice objects
txpSlices toxpiR package generics
txpSlices-method ToxPi Model
txpSlices-method ToxPi Result
txpSlices<- toxpiR package generics
txpSlices<--method ToxPi Model
txpSliceScores toxpiR package generics
txpSliceScores-method ToxPi Result
TxpTransFunc Numeric transformation function
TxpTransFunc-class Numeric transformation function
TxpTransFuncList List of TxpTransFunc objects
TxpTransFuncList-class List of TxpTransFunc objects
txpTransFuncs toxpiR package generics
txpTransFuncs-method ToxPi Model
txpTransFuncs-method ToxPi Result
txpTransFuncs-method ToxPi Slice
txpTransFuncs-method List of TxpSlice objects
txpTransFuncs<- toxpiR package generics
txpTransFuncs<--method ToxPi Model
txpTransFuncs<--method ToxPi Slice
txpValueNames toxpiR package generics
txpValueNames-method ToxPi Model
txpValueNames-method ToxPi Result
txpValueNames-method ToxPi Slice
txpValueNames-method List of TxpSlice objects
txpValueNames<- toxpiR package generics
txpValueNames<--method ToxPi Slice
txpWeights toxpiR package generics
txpWeights-method ToxPi Model
txpWeights-method ToxPi Result
txpWeights<- toxpiR package generics
txpWeights<--method ToxPi Model
txp_example_input toxpiR data objects
txp_example_model toxpiR data objects
[-method ToxPi Result