toweranNA-package {toweranNA} | R Documentation |
toweranNA: a Missing-Values Method Specific to Prediction Applications
A nonimputational method for handling missing values (MVs), specifically for prediction applications.
Norm Matloff (UC Davis) and Pete Mohanty (Google)
(This work was performed prior to PM's joining Google, and is not connected to Google in any manner.)
Overview: the Goal Is Prediction, Not Statistical Inference
There are a number of powerful R packages for handling missing values
(MVs), such as Amelia
and mice
. They “fill in the
blanks” in MV-ridden datasets, so as to enable the user to do
statistical inference on the completed data.
These methods are typically not capable of predicting new cases that have MVs. With the toweranNA package, the intended class of applications is predictive modeling, rather than estimation.
Predictive methods of any type can be used with our Tower Method, including both linear/generalized linear models and nonparametric/machine learning methods.
The function makeTower takes the data and regression model as input, and creates an object of class ‘tower’. New cases can then be predicted by calling predict() on that object.
The call forms are:
makeTower(data, yName, regFtnName, opts = NULL, scaling = NULL, yesYVal = NULL) predict(towerObj, newx, k = 1)
The main arguments are:
data: The training set, a data frame or equivalent.
yName: Name of the column containing “Y”, the variable to be predicted.
: Name of the regression model, currently ‘lm’, ‘glm’ or ‘towerKNN’. -
: Optional arguments forregFtnName
. -
: Object of class “tower” returned bymakeTower()
. -
: The X data to be predicted (one or more new cases). -
, The number of nearest neighbors use in prediction. (Not the same askmax
The argument k is a tuning parameter chosen by the analyst.
Example: Vocabulary Acquisition
This data is from the Stanford University Wordbank project. The data, english, is included in the toweranNA package. Of the non-administrative variables, e.g. excluding ‘Language’, which is always English in this data, about 43 percent of the values are missing.
To illustrate how fitting and prediction occur, let's apply Tower to fit the data and predict Y for the cases having missing values. We will take age and gender as predictors.
data(english) names(english) # [1] "data_id" "age" "language" "form" "birth_order" # [6] "ethnicity" "sex" "mom_ed" "measure" "vocab" # [11] "demo" "n" "demo_label" # omit administrative variables engl1 <- english[,c(2,5:8,10)] head(engl1) # age birth_order ethnicity sex mom_ed vocab # 1 24 First Asian Female Graduate 337 # 2 19 Second Black Female College 384 # 3 24 First Other Male Some Secondary 76 # 4 18 First White Male Secondary 19 # 5 24 First White Female Secondary 480 # 6 19 First Other Female Some College 313 # many MVs sum( # [1] 9649 # most MVs are near the end tail(engl1) # age birth_order ethnicity sex mom_ed vocab # 5493 28 <NA> <NA> Male <NA> 352 # 5494 28 <NA> <NA> Female <NA> 460 # 5495 28 <NA> <NA> Male <NA> 292 # 5496 28 <NA> <NA> Female <NA> 661 # 5497 28 <NA> <NA> Female <NA> 550 # 5498 28 <NA> <NA> Male <NA> 549 # fit linear model for predictingt vocabulary size towerOut <- makeTower(engl1,'vocab','lm')
Say we wish to predict a new case like the child in row 5, but little order, and who is second in birth order, and for whom gender and mother's education are missing.
newx <- engl1[5,-6] newx$age <- 28 newx$sex <- NA newx$mom_ed <- NA newx # age birth_order ethnicity sex mom_ed # 5 28 First White NA NA predict(towerOut,newx) # 496.9752
toweranNA: A Method Based on Regression Averaging
Setting: We have a dataset in which one of the columns, Y, is to be predicted in the future. The remaining columns, collectively referred to as X, are the predictor variables/features. Y can be either numeric or an R factor.
Most of the MV literature concerns estimation of some relationship, say comparison of means, analysis of linear regression coefficients and the like. One applies some MV method to the original data, obtaining a “filled-in” version of the data (or several such versions). One then performs one's statistical analysis on the new version.
By constrast, our emphasis here is on PREDICTION, especially relevant in our AI era. The main contribution of this package is a technique that we call the Tower Method, which is directly aimed at prediction. It is nonimputational, i.e. we do not make guesses as to the missing values in X.
Note carefully:
In describing our methods as being for regression applications, we do NOT mean imputing missing values through some regression technique; again, our technique is non-imputational. Instead, our context is that of regression applications themselves, with the goal being direct prediction of Y.
The term regression function does not necessarily imply a linear model. It could also be, say, a logistic model, random forests, etc.
Illustration via the vocabulary data example
Consider the above illustration, in which we wish to predict a new case in which gender and mother's educational level are missed. Then our prediction might be the estimated value of the regression function of wage on age, birth order and ethnicity, i.e. the marginal regression function of wage on that set of variables.
Since each new case to be predicted will likely have a different pattern of which variables are missing, we would need to estimate many (potentially 32) marginal regression functions. For datasets with p predictors, 2 to the power p of these would be needed. This would in many applications be computationally infeasible, as each marginal model would need to be fitted and run through diagnostic plots, hyperparameter investigation, and the like.
But the Tower Property provides an alternative. It tells us that we can obtain all the marginal regression functions from the full one.
The Tower Property
There is a theorem in abstract probability theory that says for random variables Y, U and V,
E[ E(Y|U,V) | U ] = E(Y | U)
Though abstract, it is intuitive. Say Y, U and V are Wage, Gender and Occupation. E(Y | U,V)) is the mean wage among all workers of a given gender, in a given occupation. If we average that quantity over men and women, but still keep occupation fixed, we obtain the mean wage in that occupation.
In terms of regression functions, this says that if we take the regression function of Y on U and V, and average it over V for fixed U, we get the regression function of Y on U. If V is missing but U is known, this is very useful, as we will now explain.
How it solves our problem
In our vocabulary example above, for a new case in which age, birth order and ethnicity are known but for whom gender and mother's education are missing, we would have
U = (age, birth order, ethnicity) V = (gender,mom_ed)
E(Y|U) is the target marginal regression function that we wish to estimate and then use to predict the new case in hand. The Tower Property implies that we can obtain that estimate by the averaging process described above.
Specifically, we fit the full model to the complete cases in the data, then average that model over all data points whose values for which the values of age, birth order and ethnicity match those in the new case to be predicted. Thus only the full model need be estimated, rather than 2 to the power p models.
Our package toweranNA (“tower analysis with NAs”) takes this approach. Usually, there may not be many data points having the exact value specified for U, if any, so we average over a neighborhood of points near that value. The argument k specifies the number of near neighbors. Since we are averaging fitted regression estimates, which are by definition already smoothed, a small value of k should work well.
Moreover, an early Biometrika paper by one of us (summarized in (Matloff, 2017, Sec. 7.5)) proved that regression averaging improves estimation of means, even with no MVs, thus an added bonus.
Classification Applications
Say we wish to predict whether the child has a vocabulary of more than 100 words. Dichotomous Y in the package must be an R factor, with the argument yesYVal specifying which level of the factor we wish to be considered the positive case.
engl2 <- engl1 engl2$vocab <- as.factor(engl2$vocab > 100) newx # age birth_order ethnicity sex mom_ed # 5 24 Second White NA NA towerOut <- makeTower(engl2,'vocab','glm',yesYVal='TRUE') predict(towerOut,newx) # 0.9833677 98
Let's try predicting birth order.
newx <- engl1[5,-2] newx$age <- 28 newx$mom_ed <- NA newx # age ethnicity sex mom_ed vocab # 5 28 White Female NA 480 towerOut <- makeTower(engl1,'birth_order','towerKNN',opts=list(kmax=25)) predict(towerOut,newx,10) # Eighth Fifth First Fourth Second Seventh Sixth Third # 0 0.004 0.568 0 0.34 0 0 0.088
Application to Time Series
One can handle missing values in a time series, by converting to a data frame, then applyng Tower.
Example: Gold time series
Rob Hyndman's forecast package includes a time series gold, consisting of 1108 daily gold prices. The series does have some NAs, including two in the final 10 data points:
data(gold,package='forecast') gold[1099:1108] # [1] 395.30 394.10 393.40 396.00 NA NA 391.25 383.30 384.00 382.30
Let's predict the 1109th data point:
towerTS(gold,5,1) # lag 5, k = 1, 'lm' etc. # 385.2088
Internallly, the function regtools::TStoX() transforms the data to an 6-column matrix, designed for analysis of lag 5. Column 6 then becomes Y, with columns 1:5 being X. So, the call to lm() is loosely autoregressive, with each time point predicted from the previous 5.
Could Other MV Packages Do Prediction?
Could a predict() method be added to packages like
and mice
The answer on one level is no. The multiple imputation (MI) algorithms they use are designed solely to “fill in the blanks” in the training data. There is nothing in the algorithms on dealing with MVs in new cases.
On the other hand, some remedies are possible:
Each time we are presented with a new case having MVs, we could add it to the original training data, with Y also treated as an MV. We could then rerun the MI algorithm, and the filled-in spot for the new Y would be our predicted value. (With multiple imputations, we could, say, take the mean of the filled-in Ys. Of course, this would have the drawback of entailing large increases in computation.
Each time we are presented with a new case having MVs, we could find the nearest filled-in row in the training set, and take its Y value as our prediction for the new case. (Or look at k near neighbors and average their Ys.) As we do here with Tower, distances would be calculated on the basis of the intact values in the new case.
Thus Amelia
, mice
etc. could be “Tower-ized”. They
would not have the central focus on Y that Tower has, but reasonable
predict() methods could be developed for them via
Intuition might suggest that such an approach may be less accurate in
predicting Y, as the MI algorithms are in essence devoting the data
resources to predicting all columns simultaneously. This would make an
interesting avenue for research, and we will be adding Tower-ization
methods for Amelia
Also, what about regression functions and packages that do focus on predicting Y and do allow missing X values in the training data? Random forests packages such as randomForest and grf come to mind. But again, these tolerate MVs at the training stage but not in new cases.
Compared to most MV packages, toweranNA has far less
restrictive assumptions. E.g. Amelia
assumes multivariate
normality of the X vector, an assumption not even approximately met when
some components of X are categorical variables. The mice
package has extensive features for handling such cases, but there are
still attendant assumptions involved.
Both of those packages, and most others, make the standard Missing at Random (MAR) assumption. What about Tower?
In our Tower Method, the assumption involves Y:
E(Y | U, V <- NA) = E(Y | U)
where VNA is a boolean variable symbolizing that the variables in V are missing.
This assumption is neither implies nor is implied by MAR, but it is similar to that condition. As with MAR, this assumption is not verifiable, but in prediction applicants, the assumption are not so vital. We simply ask, “Does it work?”, meaning how well does it predict new cases? And that is verifiable, via cross-validation.
Statistical Regression and Classification: from Linear Models to Machine Learning, N. Matloff, Chapman and Hall, 2017.