read_acs1year {totalcensus}R Documentation

Read summary file 1 of ACS 1-year estimates


This function retrieves data from summary file of ACS 1-year estimates. In addition to selected geographic headers and table contents, it also returns total population and coordinates of selected geographic areas, as well as summary levels and geographic components.


  table_contents = NULL,
  areas = NULL,
  geo_headers = NULL,
  summary_level = NULL,
  geo_comp = "total",
  with_margin = FALSE,
  dec_fill = NULL,
  show_progress = TRUE



year of the estimate


vector of state abbreviations, such as "IN" and c("MA", "RI").


selected references of contents in census tables. Users can choose a name for each reference, such as in c("abc = B01001_009", "fff = B00001_001"). Try to make names meaningful. To find the references of table contents of interest, search with function search_tablecontents.


For metro area, in the format like "New York metro". For county, city, or town, must use the exact name as those in dict_fips in the format like "kent county, RI", "Boston city, MA", and "Lincoln town, RI". And special examples like "Salt Lake City city, UT" must keep the "city" after "City".


vector of references of selected geographci headers to be included in the return. Search with search_geoheaders


select which summary level to keep, default to keep all. It takes strings including "state", "county", "county subdivision", "place", "tract", "block group", and "block" for the most common levels. It also take code. Search all codes with search_summarylevels.


select which geographic component to keep, "*" to keep every geo-component, "total" for "00", "urban" for "01", "urbanized area" for "04", "urban cluster" for "28", "rural" for "43". Others should input code, which can be found with function search_geocomponents. Availability of geocomponent depends on summary level.


read also margin of error in addition to estimate


whether to fill geo_headers codes with data from decennial census. The #' codes in ACS summary file are incomplete. "dec2010" using decennial census 2010 data.


whether to show progress in fread()


A data.table of selected data.


## Not run: 
# read summary data using areas of selected cities
aaa <- read_acs1year(
    year = 2016,
    states = c("UT", "RI"),
    table_contents = c("male = B01001_002", "female = B01001_026"),
    areas = c("Salt Lake City city, UT",
              "Providence city, RI",
              "PLACE = RI19180"),
    summary_level = "place",
    with_margin = TRUE

# read data using geoheaders - all major counties
bbb <- read_acs1year(
    year = 2015,
    states = c("UT", "RI"),
    table_contents = c("male = B01001_002", "female = B01001_026"),
    geo_headers = c("COUNTY"),
    summary_level = "county",
    with_margin = TRUE

## End(Not run)

[Package totalcensus version 0.6.6 Index]