Topic-Specific Diagnostics for LDA and CTM Topic Models

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Documentation for package ‘topicdoc’ version 0.1.1

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coherence Helper function for calculating coherence for a single topic's worth of terms
contain_equal_docs Helper function to check that a topic model and a dtm contain the same number of documents
dist_from_corpus Calculate the distance of each topic from the overall corpus token distribution
doc_prominence Calculate the document prominence of each topic in a topic model
mean_token_length Calculate the average token length for each topic in a topic model
n_topics Helper function to determine the number of topics in a topic model
tf_df_dist Calculate the distance between token and document frequencies
tf_df_dist_diff Helper function to calculate the Hellinger distance between the token frequencies and document frequencies for a specific topic's top N tokens
topic_coherence Calculate the topic coherence for each topic in a topic model
topic_diagnostics Calculate diagnostics for each topic in a topic model
topic_exclusivity Calculate the exclusivity of each topic in a topic model
topic_size Calculate the size of each topic in a topic model