plotly_multitol {tolerance} | R Documentation |
Plotting Tolerance Region for Multivariate Distributions
Provides interactive tolerance region on multivariate continuous data.
x.lab = NULL,
x.lab.size = NULL,
y.lab = NULL,
y.lab.size = NULL,
z.lab = NULL,
z.lab.size = NULL,
x.tick.size = NULL,
y.tick.size = NULL,
z.tick.size = NULL,
x.col = NULL,
x.cex = NULL,
tol.col = NULL,
tol.lwd = NULL,
tol.line.type = c("dash","dot","dashdot","solid"),
title = NULL,
title.position.x = NULL,
title.position.y = NULL,
title.size = NULL)
tol.out |
Output from |
x |
Multivariate data from continuous distributions. |
x.lab |
Label of the x-axis. |
x.lab.size |
Size of label of the x-axis. |
y.lab |
Label of the y-axis. |
y.lab.size |
Size of label of the y-axis. |
z.lab |
Label of the z-axis. |
z.lab.size |
Size of label of the z-axis. |
x.tick.size |
Size of tick marks on the x-axis. |
y.tick.size |
Size of tick marks on the y-axis. |
z.tick.size |
Size of tick marks on the z-axis. |
x.col |
Color of original data points. |
x.cex |
Size of original data points. |
tol.col |
Color of the tolerance region. |
tol.lwd |
Width of boundary of the tolerance region when data is bivariate. |
tol.line.type |
Line type of the tolerance region for bivariate data. |
title |
The main title on top of the plot. |
title.size |
Size of the title. |
title.position.x |
Horizontal position of the title. |
title.position.y |
Vertical position of the title. |
returns tolerance regions for both bivariate and trivariate continuous data.
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Mathew, T. (1999), Comparison of Approximation Methods for Computing Tolerance Factors for a Multivariate Normal Population, Technometrics, 41, 234–249.
Krishnamoorthy, K. and Mondal, S. (2006), Improved Tolerance Factors for Multivariate Normal Distributions, Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 35, 461–478.
See Also
## 90%/90% bivariate normal tolerance region.
x1 <- rnorm(100, 0, 0.2)
x2 <- rnorm(100, 0, 0.5)
x <- cbind(x1, x2)
out1 <- mvtol.region(x = x, alpha = 0.10, P = 0.90, B = 1000,
method = "KM")
plotly_multitol(out1, x , x.lab = "X1" , y.lab = "X2")
## 90%/90% trivariate normal tolerance region.
x1 <- rnorm(100, 0, 0.2)
x2 <- rnorm(100, 0, 0.5)
x3 <- rnorm(100, 5, 1)
x <- cbind(x1, x2, x3)
mvtol.region(x = x, alpha = c(0.10, 0.05, 0.01),
P = c(0.90, 0.95, 0.99), B = 1000, method = "KM")
out2 <- mvtol.region(x = x, alpha = 0.10, P = 0.90, B = 1000,
method = "KM")
plotly_multitol(out2, x , x.lab = "X1" , y.lab = "X2" , z.lab = "X3",
title.position.x = 0.57)