TwoParExponential {tolerance}R Documentation

The 2-Parameter Exponential Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function, and random generation for the 2-parameter exponential distribution with rate equal to rate and shift equal to shift.


d2exp(x, rate = 1, shift = 0, log = FALSE)
p2exp(q, rate = 1, shift = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
q2exp(p, rate = 1, shift = 0, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
r2exp(n, rate = 1, shift = 0)


x, q

Vector of quantiles.


Vector of probabilities.


The number of observations. If length>1, then the length is taken to be the number required.


Vector of rates.


Vector of shifts.

log, log.p

Logical vectors. If TRUE, then probabilities are given as log(p).


Logical vector. If TRUE, then probabilities are P[Xx]P[X\le x], else P[X>x]P[X>x].


If rate or shift are not specified, then they assume the default values of 1 and 0, respectively.

The 2-parameter exponential distribution has density

f(x)=1βe(xμ)/βf(x) = \frac{1}{\beta}e^{(x-\mu)/ \beta}

where xμx\ge\mu, μ\mu is the shift parameter, and β>0\beta>0 is the scale parameter.


d2exp gives the density, p2exp gives the distribution function, q2exp gives the quantile function, and r2exp generates random deviates.

See Also

runif and .Random.seed about random number generation.


## Randomly generated data from the 2-parameter exponential 
## distribution.

x <- r2exp(n = 500, rate = 3, shift = -10)
hist(x, main = "Randomly Generated Data", prob = TRUE)

x.1 = sort(x)
y <- d2exp(x = x.1, rate = 3, shift = -10)
lines(x.1, y, col = 2, lwd = 2)

plot(x.1, p2exp(q = x.1, rate = 3, shift = -10), type = "l", 
     xlab = "x", ylab = "Cumulative Probabilities")

q2exp(p = 0.20, rate = 3, shift = -10, lower.tail = FALSE)
q2exp(p = 0.80, rate = 3, shift = -10)

[Package tolerance version 3.0.0 Index]