tmleMSM {tmle}R Documentation

Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Parameter of MSM


Targeted maximum likelihood estimation of the parameter of a marginal structural model (MSM) for binary point treatment effects. The tmleMSM function is minimally called with arguments (Y,A,W, MSM), where Y is a continuous or binary outcome variable, A is a binary treatment variable, (A=1 for treatment, A=0 for control), and W is a matrix or dataframe of baseline covariates. MSM is a valid regression formula for regressing Y on any combination of A, V, W, T, where V defines strata and T represents the time at which repeated measures on subjects are made. Missingness in the outcome is accounted for in the estimation procedure if missingness indicator Delta is 0 for some observations. Repeated measures can be identified using the id argument. Observation weigths (sampling weights) may optionally be provided


tmleMSM(Y, A, W, V, T = rep(1,length(Y)), Delta = rep(1, length(Y)), MSM, 
        v = NULL, Q = NULL, Qform = NULL, Qbounds = c(-Inf, Inf), 
        Q.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts2", "SL.glmnet"), 
        cvQinit = TRUE, hAV = NULL, hAVform = NULL, g1W = NULL, 
        gform = NULL, pDelta1 = NULL, g.Deltaform = NULL, 
	g.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"),
	g.Delta.SL.library = c("SL.glm", "tmle.SL.dbarts.k.5", "SL.gam"),
	ub = sqrt(sum(Delta))* log(sum(Delta)) / 5, family = "gaussian", 
	fluctuation = "logistic", alpha  = 0.995, id = 1:length(Y), 
	V.Q = 10, V.g = 10, V.Delta = 10, inference = TRUE, verbose = FALSE, 
	Q.discreteSL = FALSE, g.discreteSL = FALSE, alpha.sig = 0.05, obsWeights = NULL)



continuous or binary outcome variable


binary treatment indicator, 1 - treatment, 0 - control


vector, matrix, or dataframe containing baseline covariates. Factors are not currently allowed.


vector, matrix, or dataframe of covariates used to define strata


optional time for repeated measures data


indicator of missing outcome or treatment assignment. 1 - observed, 0 - missing


MSM of interest, specified as valid right hand side of a regression formula (see examples)


optional value defining the strata of interest (V=vV=v) for stratified estimation of MSM parameter


optional n×2n \times 2 matrix of initial values for QQ portion of the likelihood, (E(YA=0,W),E(YA=1,W))(E(Y|A=0,W), E(Y|A=1,W))


optional regression formula for estimation of E(YA,W)E(Y|A, W), suitable for call to glm


vector of upper and lower bounds on Y and predicted values for initial Q


optional vector of prediction algorithms to use for SuperLearner estimation of initial Q


logical, if TRUE, estimates cross-validated predicted values using discrete super learning, default=TRUE


optional n×2n \times 2 matrix used in numerator of weights for updating covariate and the influence curve. If unspecified, defaults to conditional probabilities P(A=1V)P(A=1|V) or P(A=1T)P(A=1|T), for repeated measures data. For unstabilized weights, pass in an n×2n \times 2 matrix of all 1s


optionalregression formula of the form A~V+T, if specified this overrides the call to SuperLearner


optional vector of conditional treatment assingment probabilities, P(A=1W)P(A=1|W)


optional regression formula of the form A~W, if specified this overrides the call to SuperLearner


optional n×2n \times 2 matrix of conditional probabilities for missingness mechanism,P(Delta=1A=0,V,W,T),P(Delta=1A=1,V,W,T)P(Delta=1|A=0,V,W,T), P(Delta=1|A=1,V,W,T).


optional regression formula of the form Delta~A+W, if specified this overrides the call to SuperLearner


optional vector of prediction algorithms to use for SuperLearner estimation of g1W


optional vector of prediction algorithms to use for SuperLearner estimation ofpDelta1


upper bound on inverse probability weights. See Details section for more information


family specification for working regression models, generally ‘gaussian’ for continuous outcomes (default), ‘binomial’ for binary outcomes


‘logistic’ (default), or ‘linear’


used to keep predicted initial values bounded away from (0,1) for logistic fluctuation


optional subject identifier


number of cross-validation folds for Super Learner estimation of Q


number of cross-validation folds for Super Learner estimation of g


number of cross-validation folds for Super Learner estimation of g_Delta


if TRUE, variance-covariance matrix, standard errors, pvalues, and 95% confidence intervals are calculated. Setting to FALSE saves a little time when bootstrapping.


status messages printed if set to TRUE (default=FALSE)


If true, use discrete SL to estimate Q, otherwise ensembleSL by default. Ignored when SL is not used.


If true, use discrete SL to estimate each component of g, otherwise ensembleSL by default. Ignored when SL is not used.


significance level for constructing 1-alpha.sig confidence intervals


optional weights for biased sampling and two-stage designs.


ub bounds the IC by bounding the factor h(A,V)/[g(A,V,W)P(Delta=1A,V,W)]h(A,V)/[g(A,V,W)P(Delta=1|A,V,W)] between 0 and ub, default value based on sample size.



MSM parameter estimate


variance covariance matrix


standard errors extracted from sigma


two-sided p-value


lower bound on 95% confidence interval


upper bound on 95% confidence interval


fitted value of epsilon used to target initial Q


MSM parameter estimate based on untargeted initial Q


targeted estimate of Q, an n×2n \times 2 matrix with predicted values for Q(0,W), Q(1,W) using the updated fit


initial estimate of Q. Qinit$coef are the coefficients for a glm model for Q, if applicable. Qinit$Q is an n×2n \times 2 matrix, where n is the number of observations. Columns contain predicted values for Q(0,W),Q(1,W) using the initial fit. Qinit$type is method for estimating Q


treatment mechanism estimate. A list with three items: g$g1W contains estimates of P(A=1W)P(A=1|W) for each observation, g$coef the coefficients for the model for gg when glm used, g$type estimation procedure


estimate for h(A,V) or h(A,T). A list with three items: g.AV$g1W an n×2n \times 2 matrix containing values of P(A=0V,T),P(A=1V,T)P(A=0|V,T), P(A=1|V,T) for each observation, g.AV$coef the coefficients for the model for gg when glm used, g.AV$type estimation procedure


missingness mechanism estimate. A list with three items: g_Delta$g1W an n×2n \times 2 matrix containing values of P(Delta=1A,V,W,T)P(Delta=1|A,V,W,T) for each observation, g_Delta$coef the coefficients for the model for gg when glm used, g_Delta$type estimation procedure


Susan Gruber, in collaboration with Mark van der Laan.


1. Gruber, S. and van der Laan, M.J. (2012), tmle: An R Package for Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation. Journal of Statistical Software, 51(13), 1-35.

2. Rosenblum, M. and van der Laan, M.J. (2010), Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Parameter of a Marginal Structural Model. The International Journal of Biostatistics,6(2), 2010.

3. Gruber, S., Phillips, R.V., Lee, H., van der Laan, M.J. Data-Adaptive Selection of the Propensity Score Truncation Level for Inverse Probability Weighted and Targeted Maximum Likelihood Estimators of Marginal Point Treatment Effects. American Journal of Epidemiology 2022; 191(9), 1640-1651.

See Also

summary.tmleMSM, estimateQ, estimateG, calcSigma, tmle


# Example 1. Estimating MSM parameter with correctly specified regression formulas
# MSM: psi0 + psi1*A + psi2*V + psi3*A*V  (saturated)
# true parameter value: psi = (0, 1, -2, 0.5) 
# generate data
  n <- 1000
  W <- matrix(rnorm(n*3), ncol = 3)
  colnames(W) <- c("W1", "W2", "W3")
  V <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
  A <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
  Y <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(A - 2*V + 0.5*A*V))
  result.ex1 <- tmleMSM(Y, A, W, V, MSM = "A*V", Qform = "Y~.", gform = "A~1", 
                        hAVform = "A~1", family = "binomial")
## Not run: 

# Example 2. Biased sampling from example 1 population
# (observations having V = 1 twice as likely to be included in the dataset
  retain.ex2 <- sample(1:n, size = n/2, p = c(1/3 + 1/3*V))
  wt.ex2 <- 1/(1/3 + 1/3*V)
  result.ex2 <- tmleMSM(Y[retain.ex2], A[retain.ex2], W[retain.ex2,], 
			V[retain.ex2], MSM = "A*V", Qform = "Y~.", gform = "A~1", 
                        hAVform = "A~1", family = "binomial",
			obsWeight = wt.ex2[retain.ex2])

# Example 3. Repeated measures data, two observations per id
# (e.g., crossover study design)
# MSM: psi0 + psi1*A + psi2*V + psi3*V^2 + psi4*T
# true parameter value: psi = (-2, 1, 0, -2, 0 )
# generate data in wide format (id,  W1, Y(t),  W2(t), V(t), A(t)) 
   n <- 250
   id <- rep(1:n)
   W1   <- rbinom(n, 1, 0.5)
   W2.1 <- rnorm(n)
   W2.2 <- rnorm(n)  
   V.1   <- rnorm(n)  
   V.2   <- rnorm(n)
   A.1 <- rbinom(n, 1, plogis(0.5 + 0.3 * W2.1))
   A.2 <- 1-A.1
   Y.1  <- -2 + A.1 - 2*V.1^2 + W2.1 + rnorm(n)
   Y.2  <- -2 + A.2 - 2*V.2^2 + W2.2 + rnorm(n)
   d <- data.frame(id, W1, W2=W2.1, W2.2, V=V.1, V.2, A=A.1, A.2, Y=Y.1, Y.2)

# change dataset from wide to long format
   longd <- reshape(d, 
          varying = cbind(c(3, 5, 7, 9), c(4, 6, 8, 10)),
          idvar = "id",
          direction = "long",
          timevar = "T",
          new.row.names = NULL,
          sep = "")
# misspecified model for initial Q, partial misspecification for g. 
# V set to 2 for Q and g to save time, not recommended at this sample size
   result.ex3 <- tmleMSM(Y = longd$Y, A = longd$A, W = longd[,c("W1", "W2")], V = longd$V, 
          T = longd$T, MSM = "A + V + I(V^2) + T", Qform = "Y ~ A + V", gform = "A ~ W2", 
	id = longd$id, V.Q=2, V.g=2)

# Example 4:  Introduce 20
# V set to 2 for Q and g to save time, not recommended at this sample size
  Delta <- rbinom(nrow(longd), 1, 0.8)
  result.ex4 <- tmleMSM(Y = longd$Y, A = longd$A, W = longd[,c("W1", "W2")], V = longd$V, T=longd$T,
          Delta = Delta, MSM = "A + V + I(V^2) + T", Qform = "Y ~ A + V", gform = "A ~ W2",
	  g.Deltaform = "Delta ~ 1", id=longd$id, verbose = TRUE, V.Q=2, V.g=2)

## End(Not run)

[Package tmle version Index]