T Loux Doing R: Functions to Simplify Data Analysis and Reporting

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Documentation for package ‘tldr’ version 0.4.0

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as_perc Format a proportion as a percentage
cat_compare Investigate association between two categorical variables
cont_compare Compare a numerical variable across levels of a categorical variable
cutp Cut a numeric vector into quantiles
inline_anova Report the fit of a regression model inline
inline_coef Report the coefficient from a regression model inline
inline_coef_p Report the coefficient from a regression model inline
inline_reg Report the fit of a regression model inline
inline_reg_p Report the fit of a regression model inline
inline_test Report a hypothesis test inline
inline_test_p Report a hypothesis test inline
KnitableTableOne Create a table of descriptive statistics formatted for knitr::kable
KreateTableOne Create a table of descriptive statistics formatted for knitr::kable
num_compare Compare a numerical variable across levels of a categorical variable
svyKreateTableOne Create a table of descriptive statistics formatted for knitr::kable
write_int Format an interval for display
write_p Format a p-value for display