Simple Image Viewer for R Using the 'tcltk' Package

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Documentation for package ‘tkImgR’ version 0.0.5

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canvasAddBinds Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlButton4 Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlDown Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlLeft Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlMouseWheel Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlRight Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasControlUp Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasDown Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasLeft Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasMinus Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasMotion Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasMouseWheel Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasPlus Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasRight Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasShiftButton4 Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasShiftButton5 Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasShiftMouseWheel Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasSpace Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasSpaceRelease Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
canvasUp Commands to zoom and pan the image using the mouse or the keyboard (or by evoking directly the function)
tkimageCopy Tk commands to deal with images
tkimageCreate Tk commands to deal with images
tkimageDelete Tk commands to deal with images
tkimageRead Tk commands to deal with images
tkimageWrite Tk commands to deal with images
tkImShow Open and Display Image in a Tk Canvas