tipsae-package {tipsae}R Documentation

The 'tipsae' Package.


It provides tools for mapping proportions and indicators defined on the unit interval, widely used to measure, for instance, unemployment, educational attainment and also disease prevalence. It implements Beta-based small area methods, particularly indicated for unit interval responses, comprising the classical Beta regression models, the Flexible Beta model and Zero and/or One Inflated extensions. Such methods, developed within a Bayesian framework, come equipped with a set of diagnostics and complementary tools, visualizing and exporting functions. A customized parallel computing is built-in to reduce the computational time. The features of the tipsae package assist the user in carrying out a complete SAE analysis through the entire process of estimation, validation and results presentation, making the application of Bayesian algorithms and complex SAE methods straightforward. A Shiny application with a user-friendly interface can be launched to further simplify the process.


Silvia De Nicolò,

Aldo Gardini,


De Nicolò S, Gardini A (2024). “The R Package tipsae: Tools for Mapping Proportions and Indicators on the Unit Interval.” Journal of Statistical Software, 108(1), 1–36. doi:10.18637/jss.v108.i01.

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[Package tipsae version 1.0.2 Index]