Bayesian Clustering Using the Table Invitation Prior (TIP)

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Documentation for package ‘tip’ version 0.1.0

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bcm-class Bayesian Clustering Model (bcm) S4 class.
get_cpt_neighbors Estimate the number of similar subjects
ggnet2_network_plot Visualize the posterior similarity matrix (i.e., posterior probability matrix)
ggplot_line_point Plot connected points using ggplot2
ggplot_number_of_clusters_hist Plot the posterior distribution of the number of clusters.
ggplot_number_of_clusters_trace Plot the trace plot of the posterior number of clusters
partition_undirected_graph Partition an undirected graph
plot Generate plots from a Bayesian Clustering Model (bcm) object
plot-method Generate plots from a Bayesian Clustering Model (bcm) object
tip Bayesian Clustering with the Table Invitation Prior