ignore {tinytest}R Documentation

Ignore the output of an expectation


Ignored expectations are not reported in the test results. Ignoring is only useful for test files, and not for use directly at the command-line. See also the package vignette: vignette("using_tinytest").





[function] An expect_ function


An ignored function


ignore is a higher-order function: a function that returns another function. In particular, it accepts a function and returns a function that is almost identical to the input function. The only difference is that the return value of the function returned by ignore is not caught by run_test_file and friends. For example, ignore(expect_true) is a function, and we can use it as ignore(expect_true)( 1 == 1). The return value of ignore(expect_true)(1==1) is exactly the same as that for expect_true(1==1).

See Also

Other test-functions: expect_equal_to_reference(), expect_equal(), expect_length(), expect_match()


   ## The result of 'expect_warning' is not stored in the test result when
   ## this is run from a file.
   expect_true( ignore(expect_warning)(warning("foo!")) )
   ## Note the placement of the brackets in ignore(expect_warning)(...).

[Package tinytest version 1.4.1 Index]