draw_legend {tinyplot} | R Documentation |
Calculate placement of legend and draw it
Internal function used to calculate the placement of (including outside the plotting area) and drawing of legend.
legend = NULL,
legend_args = NULL,
by_dep = NULL,
lgnd_labs = NULL,
type = NULL,
pch = NULL,
lty = NULL,
lwd = NULL,
col = NULL,
bg = NULL,
cex = NULL,
gradient = FALSE,
lmar = NULL,
has_sub = FALSE,
new_plot = TRUE
legend |
Legend placement keyword or list, passed down from tinyplot. |
legend_args |
Additional legend arguments to be passed to |
by_dep |
The (deparsed) "by" grouping variable name. |
lgnd_labs |
The labels passed to |
type |
Plotting type(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
pch |
Plotting character(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
lty |
Plotting linetype(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
lwd |
Plotting line width(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
col |
Plotting colour(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
bg |
Plotting character background fill colour(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
cex |
Plotting character expansion(s), passed down from tinyplot. |
gradient |
Logical indicating whether a continuous gradient swatch should be used to represent the colors. |
lmar |
Legend margins (in lines). Should be a numeric vector of the form
has_sub |
Logical. Does the plot have a sub-caption. Only used if keyword position is "bottom!", in which case we need to bump the legend margin a bit further. |
new_plot |
Logical. Should we be calling plot.new internally? |
No return value, called for side effect of producing a(n empty) plot with a legend in the margin.
oldmar = par("mar")
legend = "right!", ## default (other options incl, "left(!)", ""bottom(!)", etc.)
legend_args = list(title = "Key", bty = "o"),
lgnd_labs = c("foo", "bar"),
type = "p",
pch = 21:22,
col = 1:2
# The legend is placed in the outer margin...
box("figure", col = "cyan", lty = 4)
# ... and the plot is proportionally adjusted against the edge of this
# margin.
# You can add regular plot objects per normal now
plot.window(xlim = c(1,10), ylim = c(1,10))
points(10:1, pch = 22, col = "red")
axis(1); axis(2)
# etc.
# Important: A side effect of draw_legend is that the inner margins have been
# adjusted. (Here: The right margin, since we called "right!" above.)
# To reset you should call `dev.off()` or just reset manually.
par(mar = oldmar)
# Note that the inner and outer margin of the legend itself can be set via
# the `lmar` argument. (This can also be set globally via
# `tpar(lmar = c(inner, outer))`.)
legend_args = list(title = "Key", bty = "o"),
lgnd_labs = c("foo", "bar"),
type = "p",
pch = 21:22,
col = 1:2,
lmar = c(0, 0.1) ## set inner margin to zero
box("figure", col = "cyan", lty = 4)
par(mar = oldmar)
# Continuous (gradient) legends are also supported
legend = "right!",
legend_args = list(title = "Key"),
lgnd_labs = LETTERS[1:5],
col = hcl.colors(5),
gradient = TRUE ## enable gradient legend
par(mar = oldmar)