aaa2_tinycodet_import {tinycodet}R Documentation

Overview of the 'tinycodet' Import System


The 'tinycodet' R-package introduces a new package import system.

One can use a package without attaching the package - for example by using the :: operator.
Or, one can explicitly attach a package - for example by using the library function.
The advantages and disadvantages of using without attaching a package versus attaching a package, at least those relevant here, are compactly presented in the following list:

(1) Prevent masking functions from other packages:

(2) Prevent masking core R functions:

(3) Clarify which function came from which package:

(4) Enable functions only in current/local environment instead of globally:

(5) Prevent namespace pollution:

(6) Minimise typing - especially for infix operators
(i.e. typing package::`%op%`(x, y) instead of x %op% y is cumbersome):

(7) Use multiple related packages, without constantly switching between package prefixes
(i.e. doing packagename1::some_function1();
packagename3::some_function3() is chaotic and cumbersome):

What 'tinycodet' attempts to do with its import system, is to somewhat find the best of both worlds. It does this by introducing the following functions:

Furthermore, there are two miscellaneous import_ - functions: import_LL and import_int.

The import system also includes general helper functions:

See the examples section below to get an idea of how the 'tinycodet' import system works in practice. More examples can be found on the website (


When to Use or Not to Use the 'tinycodet' Import System
The 'tinycodet' import system is helpful particularly for packages that have at least one of the following properties:

See examples below.

There is no necessity for using the 'tinycodet' import system with every single package. One can safely attach the 'stringi' package, for example, as 'stringi' uses a unique and immediately recognisable naming scheme (virtually all 'stringi' functions start with "stri_"), and this naming scheme does not conflict with core R, nor with most other packages.

Of course, if one wishes to use a package (like 'stringi') only within a specific environment, it becomes advantageous to still import the package using the 'tinycodet' import system. In that case the import_LL function would be most applicable.

Some Additional Comments on the 'tinycodet' Import System

See Also



all(c("dplyr", "powerjoin", "magrittr") %installed in% .libPaths())

# NO packages are being attached in any of the following code

# import 'dplyr' + its re-exports + extension 'powerjoin', under alias "dpr.":
  ~ dpr., "dplyr", re_exports = TRUE, extensions = "powerjoin"

# exposing infix operators from 'magrrittr' to current environment:

# directly assigning dplyr's "starwars" dataset to object "d":
d <- import_data("dplyr", "starwars")

# See it in Action:
d %>% dpr.$filter(species == "Droid") %>%
  dpr.$select(name, dpr.$ends_with("color"))

male_penguins <- dpr.$tribble(
  ~name,    ~species,     ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g,
  "Giordan",    "Gentoo",    "Biscoe",               222L,        5250L,
  "Lynden",    "Adelie", "Torgersen",               190L,        3900L,
  "Reiner",    "Adelie",     "Dream",               185L,        3650L

female_penguins <- dpr.$tribble(
  ~name,    ~species,  ~island, ~flipper_length_mm, ~body_mass_g,
  "Alonda",    "Gentoo", "Biscoe",               211,        4500L,
  "Ola",    "Adelie",  "Dream",               190,        3600L,
  "Mishayla",    "Gentoo", "Biscoe",               215,        4750L,

  male_penguins[c("species", "island")],
  female_penguins[c("species", "island")]

mypaste <- function(x, y) {
  import_LL("stringi", selection = "stri_c")
  stringi::stri_c(x, y)
mypaste("hello ", "world")

[Package tinycodet version 0.5.3 Index]