time_seq_id {timeplyr}R Documentation

Generate a unique identifier for a regular time sequence with gaps


A unique identifier is created every time a specified amount of time has passed, or in the case of regular sequences, when there is a gap in time.


  time_by = NULL,
  threshold = 1,
  g = NULL,
  na_skip = TRUE,
  rolling = TRUE,
  switch_on_boundary = FALSE,
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto")



Date, datetime or numeric vector.


Time unit.
This signifies the granularity of the time data with which to measure gaps in the sequence. If your data is daily for example, supply time_by = "days". If weekly, supply time_by = "week". Must be one of the three:

  • string, specifying either the unit or the number and unit, e.g time_by = "days" or time_by = "2 weeks"

  • named list of length one, the unit being the name, and the number the value of the list, e.g. list("days" = 7). For the vectorized time functions, you can supply multiple values, e.g. list("days" = 1:10).

  • Numeric vector. If time_by is a numeric vector and x is not a date/datetime, then arithmetic is used, e.g time_by = 1.


Threshold such that when the time elapsed exceeds this, the sequence ID is incremented by 1. For example, if time_by = "days" and threshold = 2, then when 2 days have passed, a new ID is created. Furthermore, threshold generally need not be supplied as
time_by = "3 days" & threshold = 1
is identical to
time_by = "days" & threshold = 3.


Object used for grouping x. This can for example be a vector or data frame. g is passed directly to collapse::GRP().


Should NA values be skipped? Default is TRUE.


When this is FALSE, a new ID is created every time a cumulative amount of time has passed. Once that amount of time has passed, a new ID is created, the clock "resets" and we start counting from that point.


When an exact amount of time (specified in time_by) has passed, should there an increment in ID? The default is FALSE. For example, if time_by = "days" and switch_on_boundary = FALSE, > 1 day must have passed, otherwise >= 1 day must have passed.


If "auto", periods are used for the time expansion when days, weeks, months or years are specified, and durations are used otherwise.


time_seq_id() Assumes x is regular and in ascending or descending order. To check this condition formally, use time_is_regular().


An integer vector of length(x).



# Weekly sequence, with 2 gaps in between
x <- time_seq(today(), length.out = 10, time_by = "week")
x <- x[-c(3, 7)]
# A new ID when more than a week has passed since the last time point
time_seq_id(x, time_by = "week")
# A new ID when >= 2 weeks has passed since the last time point
time_seq_id(x, time_by = "weeks", threshold = 2, switch_on_boundary = TRUE)
# A new ID when at least 4 cumulative weeks have passed
time_seq_id(x, time_by = "4 weeks",
            switch_on_boundary = TRUE, rolling = FALSE)
# A new ID when more than 4 cumulative weeks have passed
time_seq_id(x, time_by = "4 weeks",
            switch_on_boundary = FALSE, rolling = FALSE)

[Package timeplyr version 0.8.1 Index]