time_cut {timeplyr}R Documentation

Cut dates and datetimes into regularly spaced date or datetime intervals


time_breaks and time_cut() are very useful for plotting with dates and date-times as the breaks are of regular width.


  n = 5,
  time_by = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  time_floor = FALSE,
  week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 1),
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA"),
  as_interval = getOption("timeplyr.use_intervals", FALSE)

  n = 5,
  time_by = NULL,
  from = NULL,
  to = NULL,
  time_floor = FALSE,
  week_start = getOption("lubridate.week.start", 1),
  time_type = getOption("timeplyr.time_type", "auto"),
  roll_month = getOption("timeplyr.roll_month", "preday"),
  roll_dst = getOption("timeplyr.roll_dst", "NA")



Time variable.
Can be a Date, POSIXt, numeric, integer, yearmon, or yearqtr.


Number of breaks.


Time unit.
Must be one of the three:

  • string, specifying either the unit or the number and unit, e.g time_by = "days" or time_by = "2 weeks"

  • named list of length one, the unit being the name, and the number the value of the list, e.g. list("days" = 7). For the vectorized time functions, you can supply multiple values, e.g. list("days" = 1:10).

  • Numeric vector. If time_by is a numeric vector and x is not a date/datetime, then arithmetic is used, e.g time_by = 1.


Time series start date.


Time series end date.


Logical. Should the initial date/datetime be floored before building the sequence?


day on which week starts following ISO conventions - 1 means Monday (default), 7 means Sunday. This is only used when time_floor = TRUE.


If "auto", periods are used for the time expansion when days, weeks, months or years are specified, and durations are used otherwise.


Control how impossible dates are handled when month or year arithmetic is involved. Options are "preday", "boundary", "postday", "full" and "NA". See ?timechange::time_add for more details.


See ?timechange::time_add for the full list of details.


Should result be a time_interval? Default is FALSE.
This can be controlled globally through options(timeplyr.use_intervals).


To retrieve regular time breaks that simply spans the range of x, use time_seq() or time_aggregate(). This can also be achieved in time_cut() by supplying n = Inf.

By default time_cut() will try to find the prettiest way of cutting the interval by trying to cut the date/date-times into groups of the highest possible time units, starting at years and ending at milliseconds.

When x is a numeric vector, time_cut will behave similar to time_cut except for 3 things:

time_cut is a generalisation of time_summarisev such that the below identity should always hold:

 identical(time_cut(x, n = Inf, as_factor = FALSE), time_summarisev(x))

Or also:

 breaks <- time_breaks(x, n = Inf)
 identical(breaks[unclass(time_cut(x, n = Inf))], time_summarisev(x))


time_breaks returns a vector of breaks.
time_cut returns either a factor, time_interval or a vector the same class as x.



time_cut(1:10, n = 5)
# Easily create custom time breaks
df <- nycflights13::flights %>%
  fslice_sample(n = 10, seed = 8192821) %>%
  select(time_hour) %>%
  farrange(time_hour) %>%
  mutate(date = as_date(time_hour))

# time_cut() and time_breaks() automatically find a
# suitable way to cut the data
options(timeplyr.use_intervals = TRUE)
# Works with datetimes as well
time_cut(df$time_hour, n = 5) # <= 5 breaks
# Custom formatting
options(timeplyr.interval_sub_formatter =
          function(x) format(x, format = "%Y %b"))
time_cut(df$date, time_by = "month")
# Just the breaks
time_breaks(df$date, n = 5, time_by = "month")

cut_dates <- time_cut(df$date)
date_breaks <- time_breaks(df$date)

# WHen n = Inf and as_factor = FALSE, it should be equivalent to using
# time_aggregate or time_summarisev
identical(time_cut(df$date, n = Inf, time_by = "month"),
          time_summarisev(df$date, time_by = "month"))
identical(time_summarisev(df$date, time_by = "month"),
          time_aggregate(df$date, time_by = "month"))

# To get exact breaks at regular intervals, use time_expandv
weekly_breaks <- time_expandv(df$date,
                              time_by = "5 weeks",
                              week_start = 1, # Monday
                              time_floor = TRUE)
weekly_labels <- format(weekly_breaks, "%b-%d")
df %>%
  time_by(date, time_by = "week", .name = "date") %>%
  count() %>%
  mutate(date = interval_start(date)) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = date, y = n)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
  scale_x_date(breaks = weekly_breaks,
               labels = weekly_labels)

[Package timeplyr version 0.8.1 Index]