Forest/Tree Data Frames

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Documentation for package ‘timbr’ version 0.2.2

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timbr-package timbr: Forest Data Frames
as_forest Coerce to a forest
as_forest.grouped_df Coerce to a forest
as_forest.rowwise_df Coerce to a forest
children Children of the forest
climb Climb a forest from parents to children
dplyr dplyr methods for forest objects
forest_by Constructs a forest by one or more variables
is_forest Test if an object is a forest
leaves Leaf nodes of a forest
map_forest Apply a function hierarchically to a forest
mutate.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
node Attributes of root nodes
node_name Attributes of root nodes
node_parent Attributes of root nodes
node_value Attributes of root nodes
relocate.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
rows_patch.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
rows_update.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
rowwise.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
select.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
summarise.forest dplyr methods for forest objects
traverse Apply a function hierarchically to a forest
ungroup.forest dplyr methods for forest objects