Calculate Wood Volumes from Taper Functions

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Documentation for package ‘timbeR’ version 2.0.1

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bi_di Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a fitted Bi (2000) taper equation.
bi_hi Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based on a fitted Bi (2000) taper equation.
bi_logs Simulate log extraction using a Bi (2000) variable-form taper equation that describes the taper of the tree.
bi_logs_plot Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a Bi (2000) variable-form taper equation.
bi_vol Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a fitted Bi (2000) taper function.
kozak_di Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a fitted Kozak (2004) taper equation.
kozak_hi Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based on a fitted Kozak (2004) taper equation.
kozak_logs Simulate log extraction using a Kozak (2004) variable-form taper equation that describes the taper of the tree.
kozak_logs_plot Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a Kozak (2004) variable-form taper equation.
kozak_vol Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a fitted Kozak (2004) taper function.
poly5_di Estimate the diameter at a given height based on a 5th degree polynomial function.
poly5_hi Estimate the height at which a given diameter occurs in a tree, based on a 5th degree polynomial function.
poly5_logs Simulate log extraction using a 5th degree polynomial that describes the taper of the tree.
poly5_logs_plot Visualize the simulation of log cutting along the stem using a 5th degree polynomial that describes the tree taper.
poly5_vol Estimate the total or partial volume of the tree, based on a 5th degree polynomial function that describes the taper of the tree.
select_and_remove Remove unwanted data by selecting it
taper_bi Bi (2004) Taper Function.
taper_kozak Kozak (2004) Taper Function.
tree_scaling Tree scaling example data