polygonOverlap {tigers}R Documentation

Decomposition and Overlap of Polygons


decomposePolygon decomposes a polygon into convex subpolygons.

polygonOverlap finds the intersection of two polygons.


decomposePolygon(x, y = NULL, method = 1, quiet = FALSE)
polygonOverlap(A, B)


x, y

the coordinates of the points given in the usual way in R.


the method used for triangulation (see triangulate).


if the polygon is convex, a warning message is issued unless this option is switched to TRUE.

A, B

two two-column matrices giving the coordinates of two polygons.


Both functions require the polygons to be in counterclockwise order (which is checked and arranged internally if needed).

The method in decomposePolygon is from Hertel and Mehlhorn (1983).

The method in polygonOverlap is based on first decomposing the two polygons into convex subpolygons, then computing their intersections with convexPolygonOverlap. The results is a list of polygons. A different algorithm is sketched in Chamberlain and Duquette (2007).


decomposePolygon returns a two-column matrix with integers where each row gives the indices of two vertices of the input polygon defining a diagonal; the set of these diagonals define convex subpolygons.

polygonOverlap returns a list of polygons each defined by a two-column numeric matrix giving the coordinates of the vertices.


These two functions are still in development.


Emmanuel Paradis


Chamberlain, R. G. and Duquette, W. H. (2007) Some algorithms for polygons on a sphere. JPL Open Repository. <doi:2014/41271>

Hertel, S. and Mehlhorn, K. (1983) Fast triangulation of simple polygons. In: Foundations of Computation Theory. Ed. Karpinski, M. Springer, Berlin, pp. 207–218. <doi:10.1007/3-540-12689-9_105>

See Also

convexPolygonOverlap, is.clockwise


## same polygon than in ?triangulate
XY <- rbind(c(0, 0), c(1, 0), c(.25, .25), c(.5, .5),
            c(1.2, .8), c(1, .78), c(0, 1))
decomposePolygon(XY) # similar to the output of triangulate()
## "lift up" one vertex:
XYb <- XY
XYb[6, 2] <- 1.2
decomposePolygon(XYb) # one diagonal less

## A is concave, B is convex:
A <- rbind(c(0, 1.5), c(2, 1), c(0.5, 1.5), c(2, 2))
B <- rbind(c(1, 0), c(3, 0), c(3, 3), c(1, 3))
AB <- polygonOverlap(A, B)
plot(rbind(A, B), , "n", asp = 1)
lapply(AB, polygon, col = "gold")

[Package tigers version 0.1-3 Index]