Read Untidy Excel Files

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Documentation for package ‘tidyxl’ version 1.0.10

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tidyxl-package tidyxl: Import xlsx (Excel) spreadsheet data and formatting into tidy structures.
excel_functions Names of all Excel functions
is_date_format Test that Excel number formats are date formats
is_range Test that Excel formulas are ranges
maybe_xlsx Determine file format
tidyxl tidyxl: Import xlsx (Excel) spreadsheet data and formatting into tidy structures.
tidy_xlsx Import xlsx (Excel) cell contents into a tidy structure.
xlex Parse xlsx (Excel) formulas into tokens
xlsx_cells Import xlsx (Excel) cell contents into a tidy structure.
xlsx_color_standard Names and RGB values of Excel standard colours
xlsx_color_theme Import theme color definitions from xlsx (Excel) files
xlsx_colour_standard Names and RGB values of Excel standard colours
xlsx_colour_theme Import theme color definitions from xlsx (Excel) files
xlsx_formats Import xlsx (Excel) formatting definitions.
xlsx_names Import named formulas from xlsx (Excel) files
xlsx_sheet_names List sheets in an xlsx (Excel) file
xlsx_validation Import data validation rules of cells in xlsx (Excel) files