tw_get_p_wide {tidywikidatar}R Documentation

Efficiently get a wide table with various properties of a given set of Wikidata identifiers


Efficiently get a wide table with various properties of a given set of Wikidata identifiers


  label = FALSE,
  property_label_as_column_name = FALSE,
  both_id_and_label = FALSE,
  only_first = FALSE,
  preferred = FALSE,
  unlist = FALSE,
  collapse = ";",
  language = tidywikidatar::tw_get_language(),
  id_df = NULL,
  id_df_label = NULL,
  cache = NULL,
  overwrite_cache = FALSE,
  cache_connection = NULL,
  disconnect_db = TRUE,
  wait = 0



A character vector, must start with Q, e.g. "Q254" for Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


A character vector, a property. Must always start with the capital letter "P", e.g. "P31" for "instance of".


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE labels of Wikidata Q identifiers are reported instead of the identifiers themselves (or labels are presented along of them, if both_id_and_label is set to TRUE)


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If FALSE, names of columns with properties are the "P" identifiers of the property. If TRUE, the label of the correspondent property is assigned as column name.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Relevant only if label is set to TRUE, otherwise ignored. If TRUE, the label is added as a separate column along the original one. Column name is the same as the property column, followed by "_label".


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, it just keeps the first relevant property value for each id (or NA if none is available), and returns a character vector. Warning: this likely discards valid values, so make sure this is really what you want. If FALSE, returns a list of the same length as input, with all values for each id stored in a list if more than one is found.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, returns properties that have rank "preferred" if available; if no "preferred" property is found, then it is ignored.


Logical, defaults to FALSE. Typically used sharing or exporting data as csv files. Collapses all properties in a single string. The separator is defined by the collapse parameter. Relevant only when only_first is set to FALSE.


Defaults to ";". Character used to separate results when unlist is set to TRUE.


Defaults to language set with tw_set_language(); if not set, "en". Use "all_available" to keep all languages. For available language values, see


Default to NULL. If given, it should be a dataframe typically generated with tw_get_(), and is used instead of calling Wikidata or replying on cache.


Defaults to NULL. If given, it should be a dataframe typically generated with tw_get() with all items for which labels will be requested. It is used instead of calling Wikidata or relying on cache.


Defaults to NULL. If given, it should be given either TRUE or FALSE. Typically set with tw_enable_cache() or tw_disable_cache().


Logical, defaults to FALSE. If TRUE, it overwrites the table in the local sqlite database. Useful if the original Wikidata object has been updated.


Defaults to NULL. If NULL, and caching is enabled, tidywikidatar will use a local sqlite database. A custom connection to other databases can be given (see vignette caching for details).


Defaults to TRUE. If FALSE, leaves the connection to cache open.


In seconds, defaults to 0. Time to wait between queries to Wikidata. If data are cached locally, wait time is not applied. If you are running many queries systematically you may want to add some waiting time between queries.


A data frame, with a column for each given property.


if (interactive()) {
    id = c("Q180099", "Q228822", "Q191095"),
    p = c("P27", "P19", "P20"),
    label = TRUE,
    only_first = TRUE

[Package tidywikidatar version 0.5.9 Index]