anti_join.SpatVector | Filtering joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
arrange.SpatVector | Order a 'SpatVector' using column values |
as_coordinates | Get cell number, row and column from a 'SpatRaster' |
as_sf | Coerce a 'SpatVector' to a 'sf' object |
as_spatraster | Coerce a data frame to 'SpatRaster' |
as_spatvector | Method for coercing objects to 'SpatVector' |
as_spatvector.data.frame | Method for coercing objects to 'SpatVector' |
as_spatvector.sf | Method for coercing objects to 'SpatVector' |
as_spatvector.sfc | Method for coercing objects to 'SpatVector' |
as_spatvector.SpatVector | Method for coercing objects to 'SpatVector' |
as_tibble.Spat | Coerce a 'SpatVector' or 'SpatRaster' object to data frames |
as_tibble.SpatRaster | Coerce a 'SpatVector' or 'SpatRaster' object to data frames |
as_tibble.SpatVector | Coerce a 'SpatVector' or 'SpatRaster' object to data frames |
autoplot.Spat | Create a complete ggplot for Spat* objects |
autoplot.SpatRaster | Create a complete ggplot for Spat* objects |
autoplot.SpatVector | Create a complete ggplot for Spat* objects |
bind.Spat | Bind multiple 'SpatVector', 'sf/sfc' and data frames objects by row |
bind_cols.SpatVector | Bind multiple 'SpatVector' 'sf' and data frames objects by column |
bind_rows.SpatVector | Bind multiple 'SpatVector', 'sf/sfc' and data frames objects by row |
bind_spat_cols | Bind multiple 'SpatVector' 'sf' and data frames objects by column |
bind_spat_rows | Bind multiple 'SpatVector', 'sf/sfc' and data frames objects by row |
compare_spatrasters | Compare attributes of two 'SpatRaster' objects |
count.SpatVector | Count the observations in each 'SpatVector' group |
cross_blended.colors | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
cross_blended.colors2 | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
cross_blended_hypsometric_tints_db | Cross-blended hypsometric tints |
distinct.SpatVector | Keep distinct/unique rows and geometries of 'SpatVector' objects |
drop_na.Spat | Drop attributes of Spat* objects containing missing values |
drop_na.SpatRaster | Drop attributes of Spat* objects containing missing values |
drop_na.SpatVector | Drop attributes of Spat* objects containing missing values |
fill.SpatVector | Fill in missing values with previous or next value on a 'SpatVector' |
filter-joins.SpatVector | Filtering joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
filter.Spat | Subset cells/geometries of Spat* objects |
filter.SpatRaster | Subset cells/geometries of Spat* objects |
filter.SpatVector | Subset cells/geometries of Spat* objects |
fortify.Spat | Fortify Spat* Objects |
fortify.SpatRaster | Fortify Spat* Objects |
fortify.SpatVector | Fortify Spat* Objects |
full_join.SpatVector | Mutating joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
geom_spatraster | Visualise 'SpatRaster' objects |
geom_spatraster_contour | Plot 'SpatRaster' contours |
geom_spatraster_contour_filled | Plot 'SpatRaster' contours |
geom_spatraster_contour_text | Plot 'SpatRaster' contours |
geom_spatraster_rgb | Visualise 'SpatRaster' objects as images |
geom_spatvector | Visualise 'SpatVector' objects |
geom_spatvector_label | Visualise 'SpatVector' objects |
geom_spatvector_text | Visualise 'SpatVector' objects |
geom_spat_contour | Plot 'SpatRaster' contours |
get_coltab_pal | Discrete scales based in the color table of a 'SpatRaster' |
ggspatvector | Visualise 'SpatVector' objects |
glimpse.Spat | Get a nice glimpse of your Spat* objects |
glimpse.SpatRaster | Get a nice glimpse of your Spat* objects |
glimpse.SpatVector | Get a nice glimpse of your Spat* objects |
grass.colors | GRASS scales |
grass_db | GRASS color tables |
group-by.SpatVector | Group a 'SpatVector' by one or more variables |
group_by.SpatVector | Group a 'SpatVector' by one or more variables |
hypso.colors | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
hypso.colors2 | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
hypsometric_tints_db | Hypsometric palettes database |
inner_join.SpatVector | Mutating joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
is_regular_grid | Check if x and y positions conforms a regular grid |
left_join.SpatVector | Mutating joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
mutate-joins.SpatVector | Mutating joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
mutate.Spat | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
mutate.SpatRaster | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
mutate.SpatVector | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
pivot_longer.SpatVector | Pivot 'SpatVector' from wide to long |
pivot_wider.SpatVector | Pivot 'SpatVector' from long to wide |
princess.colors | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
princess_db | Princess palettes database |
pull.Spat | Extract a single layer/attribute |
pull.SpatRaster | Extract a single layer/attribute |
pull.SpatVector | Extract a single layer/attribute |
pull_crs | Extract CRS on WKT format |
relocate.Spat | Change layer/attribute order |
relocate.SpatRaster | Change layer/attribute order |
relocate.SpatVector | Change layer/attribute order |
rename.Spat | Rename layers/attributes |
rename.SpatRaster | Rename layers/attributes |
rename.SpatVector | Rename layers/attributes |
rename_with.SpatRaster | Rename layers/attributes |
rename_with.SpatVector | Rename layers/attributes |
replace_na.Spat | Replace 'NA's with specified values |
replace_na.SpatRaster | Replace 'NA's with specified values |
replace_na.SpatVector | Replace 'NA's with specified values |
right_join.SpatVector | Mutating joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
rowwise.SpatVector | Group 'SpatVector' objects by rows |
scale_color_coltab | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_color_cross_blended_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_cross_blended_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_cross_blended_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_cross_blended_tint_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_cross_blended_tint_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_cross_blended_tint_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_color_grass_b | GRASS scales |
scale_color_grass_c | GRASS scales |
scale_color_grass_d | GRASS scales |
scale_color_hypso_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_hypso_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_hypso_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_hypso_tint_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_hypso_tint_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_hypso_tint_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_color_princess_b | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_color_princess_c | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_color_princess_d | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_color_terrain_b | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_color_terrain_c | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_color_terrain_d | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_color_whitebox_b | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_color_whitebox_c | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_color_whitebox_d | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_color_wiki_b | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_color_wiki_c | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_color_wiki_d | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_colour_coltab | Discrete scales based in the color table of a 'SpatRaster' |
scale_colour_cross_blended_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_cross_blended_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_cross_blended_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_cross_blended_tint_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_cross_blended_tint_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_cross_blended_tint_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_colour_grass_b | GRASS scales |
scale_colour_grass_c | GRASS scales |
scale_colour_grass_d | GRASS scales |
scale_colour_hypso_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_hypso_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_hypso_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_hypso_tint_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_hypso_tint_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_hypso_tint_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_colour_princess_b | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_colour_princess_c | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_colour_princess_d | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_colour_terrain_b | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_colour_terrain_c | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_colour_terrain_d | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_colour_whitebox_b | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_colour_whitebox_c | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_colour_whitebox_d | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_colour_wiki_b | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_colour_wiki_c | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_colour_wiki_d | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_coltab | Discrete scales based in the color table of a 'SpatRaster' |
scale_cross_blended | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_coltab | Discrete scales based in the color table of a 'SpatRaster' |
scale_fill_cross_blended_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_cross_blended_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_cross_blended_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_cross_blended_tint_b | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_cross_blended_tint_c | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_cross_blended_tint_d | Cross blended hypsometric tints scales |
scale_fill_grass_b | GRASS scales |
scale_fill_grass_c | GRASS scales |
scale_fill_grass_d | GRASS scales |
scale_fill_hypso_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_hypso_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_hypso_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_hypso_tint_b | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_hypso_tint_c | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_hypso_tint_d | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_fill_princess_b | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_fill_princess_c | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_fill_princess_d | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_fill_terrain_b | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_fill_terrain_c | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_fill_terrain_d | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_fill_whitebox_b | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_fill_whitebox_c | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_fill_whitebox_d | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_fill_wiki_b | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_fill_wiki_c | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_fill_wiki_d | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
scale_grass | GRASS scales |
scale_hypso | Gradient scales for representing hypsometry and bathymetry |
scale_princess | Gradient scales from princess color schemes |
scale_terrain | Terrain colour scales from 'grDevices' |
scale_whitebox | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
scale_wiki | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |
select.Spat | Subset layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
select.SpatRaster | Subset layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
select.SpatVector | Subset layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
semi_join.SpatVector | Filtering joins for 'SpatVector' objects |
slice.Spat | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_colrows | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_colrows.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_cols | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_cols.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_head.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_head.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_max.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_max.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_min.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_min.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_rows | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_rows.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_sample.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_sample.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_tail.SpatRaster | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
slice_tail.SpatVector | Subset cells/rows/columns/geometries using their positions |
stat_spatraster | Visualise 'SpatRaster' objects |
stat_spatvector | Visualise 'SpatVector' objects |
summarise.SpatVector | Summarise each group of a 'SpatVector' down to one geometry |
summarize.SpatVector | Summarise each group of a 'SpatVector' down to one geometry |
tally.SpatVector | Count the observations in each 'SpatVector' group |
transmute.Spat | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
transmute.SpatRaster | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
transmute.SpatVector | Create, modify, and delete cell values/layers/attributes of Spat* objects |
ungroup.SpatVector | Group a 'SpatVector' by one or more variables |
volcano2 | Updated topographic information on Auckland's Maungawhau volcano |
whitebox.colors | Gradient scales from *WhiteboxTools* color schemes |
wiki.colors | Gradient scales from *Wikipedia* color schemes |