Tidy Interface to 'data.table'

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Documentation for package ‘tidytable’ version 0.11.0

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A B C D E F G I L M N P R S T U W misc

-- A --

across Apply a function across a selection of columns
add_count Add a count column to the data frame
add_tally Add a count column to the data frame
anti_join Join two data.tables together
arrange Arrange/reorder rows
as_tidytable Coerce an object to a data.table/tidytable

-- B --

between Do the values from x fall between the left and right bounds?
bind_cols Bind data.tables by row and column
bind_rows Bind data.tables by row and column

-- C --

case 'data.table::fcase()' with vectorized default
case_match Vectorized 'switch()'
case_when Case when
coalesce Coalesce missing values
complete Complete a data.table with missing combinations of data
consecutive_id Generate a unique id for consecutive values
context Context functions
count Count observations by group
crossing Create a data.table from all unique combinations of inputs
cross_join Cross join
cume_dist Ranking functions
cur_column Context functions
cur_data Context functions
cur_group_id Context functions
cur_group_rows Context functions
c_across Combine values from multiple columns

-- D --

dense_rank Ranking functions
desc Descending order
distinct Select distinct/unique rows
drop_na Drop rows containing missing values
dt Pipeable data.table call

-- E --

enframe Convert a vector to a data.table/tidytable
expand Expand a data.table to use all combinations of values
expand_grid Create a data.table from all combinations of inputs
extract Extract a character column into multiple columns using regex

-- F --

fill Fill in missing values with previous or next value
filter Filter rows on one or more conditions
first Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector
fread Read/write files
full_join Join two data.tables together

-- G --

get_dummies Convert character and factor columns to dummy variables
group_by Grouping
group_cols Selection helper for grouping columns
group_split Split data frame by groups
group_vars Get the grouping variables

-- I --

if_all Create conditions on a selection of columns
if_any Create conditions on a selection of columns
if_else Fast if_else
inner_join Join two data.tables together
inv_gc Run invisible garbage collection
is_grouped_df Check if the tidytable is grouped
is_tidytable Test if the object is a tidytable

-- L --

lag Get lagging or leading values
last Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector
lead Get lagging or leading values
left_join Join two data.tables together

-- M --

map Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2 Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_chr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_dbl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_df Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_dfc Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_dfr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_int Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_lgl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map2_vec Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_chr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_dbl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_df Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_dfc Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_dfr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_int Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_lgl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
map_vec Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
min_rank Ranking functions
mutate Add/modify/delete columns
mutate_rowwise Add/modify columns by row

-- N --

n Number of observations in each group
na_if Convert values to 'NA'
nest Nest columns into a list-column
nesting Expand a data.table to use all combinations of values
nest_by Nest data.tables
nest_join Nest join
new_tidytable Create a tidytable from a list
nth Extract the first, last, or nth value from a vector
n_distinct Count the number of unique values in a vector

-- P --

percent_rank Ranking functions
pick Selection version of 'across()'
pivot_longer Pivot data from wide to long
pivot_wider Pivot data from long to wide
pmap Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_chr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_dbl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_df Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_dfc Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_dfr Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_int Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_lgl Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pmap_vec Apply a function to each element of a vector or list
pull Pull out a single variable

-- R --

reframe Reframe a data frame
relocate Relocate a column to a new position
rename Rename variables by name
rename_with Rename multiple columns
replace_na Replace missing values
right_join Join two data.tables together
rowwise Convert to a rowwise tidytable
row_number Ranking functions

-- S --

select Select or drop columns
semi_join Join two data.tables together
separate Separate a character column into multiple columns
separate_longer_delim Split a string into rows
separate_rows Separate a collapsed column into multiple rows
separate_wider_delim Separate a character column into multiple columns
separate_wider_regex Separate a character column into multiple columns using regex patterns
slice Choose rows in a data.table
slice_head Choose rows in a data.table
slice_max Choose rows in a data.table
slice_min Choose rows in a data.table
slice_sample Choose rows in a data.table
slice_tail Choose rows in a data.table
summarise Aggregate data using summary statistics
summarize Aggregate data using summary statistics

-- T --

tally Count observations by group
tidytable Build a data.table/tidytable
top_n Select top (or bottom) n rows (by value)
transmute Add new variables and drop all others
tribble Rowwise tidytable creation

-- U --

uncount Uncount a data.table
ungroup Grouping
unite Unite multiple columns by pasting strings together
unnest Unnest list-columns
unnest_longer Unnest a list-column of vectors into regular columns
unnest_wider Unnest a list-column of vectors into a wide data frame

-- W --

walk Apply a function to each element of a vector or list

-- misc --

%in% Fast '%in%' and %notin% operators
%notin% Fast '%in%' and %notin% operators