Extract and Tidy Canadian 'Hydrometric' Data

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Documentation for package ‘tidyhydat’ version 0.6.1

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allstations All Canadian stations
download_hydat Download and set the path to HYDAT
hy_agency_list hy_agency_list function
hy_annual_instant_peaks Extract annual max/min instantaneous flows and water levels from HYDAT database
hy_annual_stats Extract annual statistics information from the HYDAT database
hy_daily Extract all daily water level and flow measurements
hy_daily_flows Extract daily flows information from the HYDAT database
hy_daily_levels Extract daily levels information from the HYDAT database
hy_data_symbols DATA SYMBOLS look-up table
hy_data_types DATA TYPES look-up table
hy_datum_list Extract datum list from HYDAT database
hy_default_db Get the location of the HYDAT database
hy_dir Output OS-independent path to the HYDAT sqlite database
hy_downloaded_db Get the location of the HYDAT database
hy_monthly_flows Extract monthly flows information from the HYDAT database
hy_monthly_levels Extract monthly levels information from the HYDAT database
hy_plot This function is deprecated in favour of generic plot methods
hy_reg_office_list Extract regional office list from HYDAT database
hy_remote Get the version date of HYDAT that is current on the ECCC website
hy_sed_daily_loads Extract daily sediment load information from the HYDAT database
hy_sed_daily_suscon Extract daily suspended sediment concentration information from the HYDAT database
hy_sed_monthly_loads Extract monthly flows information from the HYDAT database
hy_sed_monthly_suscon Extract monthly flows information from the HYDAT database
hy_sed_samples Extract instantaneous sediment sample information from the HYDAT database
hy_sed_samples_psd Extract instantaneous sediment sample particle size distribution information from the HYDAT database
hy_set_default_db Set the default database path
hy_src Open a connection to the HYDAT database
hy_src_disconnect Open a connection to the HYDAT database
hy_stations Extract station information from the HYDAT database
hy_stn_data_coll Extract station data collection from HYDAT database
hy_stn_data_range Extract station data range from HYDAT database
hy_stn_datum_conv Extract station datum conversions from HYDAT database
hy_stn_datum_unrelated Extract station datum unrelated from HYDAT database
hy_stn_op_schedule Extract station operation schedule from HYDAT database
hy_stn_regulation Extract station regulation from the HYDAT database
hy_stn_remarks Extract station remarks from HYDAT database
hy_test_db Get the location of the HYDAT database
hy_version Extract version number from HYDAT database
param_id Parameter ID
plot Plot historical and realtime data
plot.hy Plot historical and realtime data
plot.realtime Plot historical and realtime data
pull_station_number Convenience function to pull station number from tidyhydat functions
realtime_add_local_datetime Add local datetime column to realtime tibble
realtime_daily_mean Calculate daily means from higher resolution realtime data
realtime_dd Download a tibble of realtime river data from the last 30 days from the Meteorological Service of Canada datamart
realtime_plot Convenience function to plot realtime data
realtime_stations Download a tibble of active realtime stations
realtime_ws Download realtime data from the ECCC web service
search_stn_name A search function for hydrometric station name or number
search_stn_number A search function for hydrometric station name or number