Fast and Memory Efficient Data Operations in Tidy Syntax

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Documentation for package ‘tidyft’ version 0.5.7

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add_count Count observations by group
anti_join Join tables
arrange Arrange entries in data.frame
as_fst Save a data.frame as a fst table
chop Nest and unnest
complete Complete a data frame with missing combinations of data
count Count observations by group
cummean Cumulative mean
delete_na Drop or delete data by rows or columns
df_mat Conversion between tidy table and named matrix
distinct Select distinct/unique rows in data.table
drop_na Drop or delete data by rows or columns
dummy Fast creation of dummy variables
export_fst Read and write fst files
fill Fill in missing values with previous or next value
filter Filter entries in data.frame
filter_fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
full_join Join tables
groups Group by one or more variables
group_by Group by one or more variables
group_exe Group by one or more variables
import_fst Read and write fst files
inner_join Join tables
lag Fast lead/lag for vectors
lead Fast lead/lag for vectors
left_join Join tables
longer Pivot data between long and wide
mat_df Conversion between tidy table and named matrix
mutate Create or transform variables
mutate_vars Create or transform variables
mutate_when Create or transform variables
nest Nest and unnest
nth Extract the nth value from a vector
object_size Nice printing of report the Space Allocated for an Object
parse_fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
pull Pull out a single variable
read_csv Convenient file reader
relocate Change column order
rename Select/rename variables by name
replace_vars Fast value replacement in data frame
right_join Join tables
rowwise_mutate Computation by rows
rowwise_summarise Computation by rows
select Select/rename variables by name
select_dt Select/rename variables by name
select_fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
select_mix Select/rename variables by name
select_vars Select/rename variables by name
semi_join Join tables
separate Separate a character column into two columns using a regular expression separator
shift_fill Fill in missing values with previous or next value
slice Subset rows using their positions
slice_fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
slice_head Subset rows using their positions
slice_max Subset rows using their positions
slice_min Subset rows using their positions
slice_sample Subset rows using their positions
slice_tail Subset rows using their positions
squeeze Nest and unnest
summarise Summarise columns to single values
summarise_vars Summarise columns to single values
summarise_when Summarise columns to single values
summary_fst Parse,inspect and extract data.table from fst file
sys_time_print Convenient print of time taken
transmute Create or transform variables
unchop Nest and unnest
uncount "Uncount" a data frame
ungroup Group by one or more variables
unite Unite multiple columns into one by pasting strings together
unnest Nest and unnest
utf8_encoding Use UTF-8 for character encoding in a data frame
wider Pivot data between long and wide