download_data_wrds_crsp {tidyfinance} | R Documentation |
Download Data from WRDS CRSP
This function downloads and processes stock return data from the CRSP database for a specified period. Users can choose between monthly and daily data types. The function also adjusts returns for delisting and calculates market capitalization and excess returns over the risk-free rate.
batch_size = 500,
version = "v2",
additional_columns = NULL
type |
A string specifying the type of CRSP data to download: "crsp_monthly" or "crsp_daily". |
start_date |
Optional. A character string or Date object in "YYYY-MM-DD" format specifying the start date for the data. If not provided, a subset of the dataset is returned. |
end_date |
Optional. A character string or Date object in "YYYY-MM-DD" format specifying the end date for the data. If not provided, a subset of the dataset is returned. |
batch_size |
An optional integer specifying the batch size for processing daily data, with a default of 500. |
version |
An optional character specifying which CRSP version to use. "v2" (the default) uses the updated second version of CRSP, and "v1" downloads the legacy version of CRSP. |
additional_columns |
Additional columns from the CRSP monthly or daily data as a character vector. |
A data frame containing CRSP stock returns, adjusted for delistings, along with calculated market capitalization and excess returns over the risk-free rate. The structure of the returned data frame depends on the selected data type.
crsp_monthly <- download_data_wrds_crsp("wrds_crsp_monthly", "2020-11-01", "2020-12-31")
crsp_daily <- download_data_wrds_crsp("wrds_crsp_daily", "2020-12-01", "2020-12-31")
# Add additional columns
download_data_wrds_crsp("wrds_crsp_monthly", "2020-11-01", "2020-12-31",
additional_columns = c("mthvol", "mthvolflg"))