A Minimal Tool Set for Gathering USDA Quick Stat Data for Analysis and Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘tidyUSDA’ version 0.4.1

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tidyUSDA-package tidyUSDA: An Interface to USDA QuickStats Data with Mapping Capabilities.
allCategory All possible values from the CATEGORY field.
allCommodity All possible values from the COMMODITY field.
allCounty All possible values from the COUNTY field.
allDataItem All possible values from the DATA ITEM field.
allDomain All possible values from the DOMAIN field.
allGeogLevel All possible values from the GEOGRAPHY LEVEL field.
allGroup All possible values from the GROUP field.
allProgram All possible values from the PROGRAM field.
allSector All possible values from the SECTOR field.
allState All possible values from the STATE field.
getQuickstat getQuickstat
plotUSDA plotUSDA
tidyUSDA tidyUSDA: An Interface to USDA QuickStats Data with Mapping Capabilities.