zegwaard_carecompass {tidySEM}R Documentation

Caregiver Compass Data


These simulated data are based on a study by Dijenborgh, Swildens, and Zegwaard on different types of caregivers among those providing informal care to outpatients receiving mental healthcare.




A data frame with 513 rows and 10 variables.


burdened numeric How strongly is the caregiver's life affected by their responsibilities? Scale score, based on 15 items with Likert-type response options. Example: "I never feel free of responsibilities"
trapped numeric Caregiver's cognitions regarding freedom of choice. Scale score, based on 3 items with Likert-type response options. Example: "I feel trapped by the affliction of my charge"
negaffect numeric Different types of negative emotions experienced by the caregiver. Scale score, based on 9 items with Likert-type response options. Example: "I feel angry in the relationship with my charge"
loneliness numeric Caregiver's perceived loneliness. Scale score, based on 11 items with Likert-type response options. Example: "I miss having people around"
sex factor Caregiver sex
sexpatient factor Sex of the patient
cohabiting factor Whether or not the caregiver cohabits with the patient
distance numeric Travel time in minutes for the caregiver to reach the patient
freqvisit ordered Ordinal variable, indicating frequency of visits
relationship factor Type of relationship of patient with caregiver

[Package tidySEM version 0.2.7 Index]