descriptives {tidySEM}R Documentation

Describe a dataset


Provide descriptive statistics for a dataset.


descriptives(x, ...)



An object for which a method exists.


Additional arguments.


A data.frame with descriptive statistics for x. Its elements are:

name Character Variable name
type character Data type in R, as obtained by class(x)[1]
n Integer Number of valid observations
missing Numeric Proportion missing
unique Integer Number of unique values
mean numeric Mean value of non-missing entries, only defined for variables that can be coerced to numeric
median numeric Median value of non-missing entries, only defined for numeric variables
mode Integer For numeric variables: The mode value. For factors: The frequency of the mode value
mode_value Character For factors: value of the mode
sd numeric Standard deviation of non-missing entries, only defined for variables that can be coerced to numeric
v numeric Variability coefficient V for factor variables (Agresti, 1990). V is the probability that two independent observations fall in different categories
min numeric Minimum value for numeric variables
max numeric Maximum value for numeric variables
range numeric Range (distance between min and max) for numeric variables
skew numeric Skewness. The normalized third central moment of a numeric variable, which reflects its skewness. A symmetric distribution has a skewness of zero
skew_2se numeric Skewness, divided by two times its standard error. Values greater than one can be considered "significant" according to a Z-test with significance level of .05
kurt numeric Kurtosis. The normalized fourth central moment of a numeric variable, which reflects its peakedness. A heavy-tailed distribution has high kurtosis, a light-tailed distribution has low kurtosis (sometimes called platykurtic).
kurt_2se numeric Kurtosis, divided by two times its standard error. Values greater than one can be considered "significant" according to a Z-test with significance level of .05


Agresti, A. (2012). Categorical data analysis (Vol. 792). John Wiley & Sons.



[Package tidySEM version 0.2.7 Index]