{tidyMC}R Documentation

Summarize the Results of a Monte Carlo Simulation


Summarize the results of a Monte Carlo Simulation run by future_mc() with (optionally) user-defined summary functions.


## S3 method for class 'mc'
summary(object, sum_funs = NULL, which_path = "all", ...)



An object of class mc, for which holds simple_output = TRUE. See value of future_mc().


A named (nested) list containing summary functions. See details.


A character vector containing the names of (some of) the named outputs (the names of the returned list of fun in future_mc()), for which to return a "path" of the stepwise calculation of the result of the summary function. Alternatively, "all" or "none" can be used to return either the path for all or none of the numeric outputs. Default: "all".




In order to use summary(), the output of future_mc() has to be "simple", which is the case if the return value of fun is a named list of scalars. If the returned value of fun is a named list of more complex data structures, summary() cannot be used.

With sum_funs the user can define (different) functions which summarize the simulation results for each output (return values of fun in future_mc()) and each parameter combination. Thus, the functions inside sum_funs only take one argument, which is the output vector (with length repetitions) of one output of one specific parameter combination.

The default summary functions are base::mean() for numeric outputs and base::summary() for outputs with non-numeric data types.

The user can define summary functions by supplying a named (nested) list to sum_funs. When the functions provided for each output return only one numeric value the results are twofold: first, a single scalar result of the function evaluating the whole output vector. Second, a "path" with length repetitions of the stepwise calculation of the function's result across the output vector (assumed that the output is contained in which_path).

If the user wants to summarize the simulation results of a respective output in the same way for each parameter combination, a list whose components are named after the outputs (the names of the returned list of fun in future_mc()) is supplied and each component is a function which only takes the vector of results of one output as the main argument.

If the user wants to summarize the simulation results of a respective output differently for different parameter combinations, a nested list has to be supplied. The components of the outer list must be equal in length and naming to the nice_names of the parameter combinations (see value of future_mc()) and each component is another list (inner list). The components of the inner list are then defined the same way as above (components named after the outputs and each component is a function).

The provided summary functions are not restricted regarding the complexity of their return value. However, the path of the summarized output over all simulation repetitions is only returned if the provided summary functions return a single numeric value (and the output is contained in which_path). Thus, will only work in this specific case.


A list of type containing the result of the summary functions of the simulation results of a respective output and parameter combination.

If the provided summary functions return a single numeric value, the path of the summarized output (which are contained in which_path) over all simulation repetitions is also returned.


test_func <- function(param = 0.1, n = 100, x1 = 1, x2 = 2){

  data <- rnorm(n, mean = param) + x1 + x2
  stat <- mean(data)
  stat_2 <- var(data)

  if (x2 == 5){
    stop("x2 can't be 5!")

  return(list(mean = stat, var = stat_2))

param_list <- list(param = seq(from = 0, to = 1, by = 0.5),
                   x1 = 1:2)

test_mc <- future_mc(
  fun = test_func,
  repetitions = 1000,
  param_list = param_list,
  n = 10,
  x2 = 2

summary(test_mc, sum_funs = list(mean = mean, var = sd))

sum_funcs <- list(
    mean = mean, var = sd
    mean = mean, var = summary
    mean = max, var = min
    mean = mean, var = sd
    mean = mean, var = summary
    mean = max, var = min

names(sum_funcs) <- test_mc$nice_names

summary(test_mc, sum_funs = sum_funcs)

[Package tidyMC version 1.0.0 Index]