Quick Table Generation & Exploratory Analyses on ADaM-Ish Datasets

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Documentation for package ‘tidyCDISC’ version 0.2.1

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adae ADAE
adlbc ADLBC
adsl ADSL
adtte ADTTE
advs ADVS
app_methods Find the proper function to apply to each statistical and column block pairing and use the metadata associated with each column block for the function's arguments
col_for_list_expr GT Column Names
common_rownames Identify Names of Columns
data_to_filter The smallest possible data set we could filter to semi-join later
data_to_use_str Function to clean and combine ADAE dataset with ADSL
example_dat1 Example Data Set 1
example_dat2 Example Data Set 2
get_levels Get Factor Levels
prep_adae Function to pre-filter the ADAE depending on the stan table selected
prep_adsl Function to pre-filter the ADSL depending on the stan table selected
prep_bds Combine BDS Data Frames
pretty_IDs Create Pretty IDs for TG Table
run_app Run the Shiny Application
std_footnote Create Standard Footnotes for TG Table
tg_gt Prepare the table generator data for output
varN_fctr_reorder Re-order Factor Levels by VARN