Download Data from Bank of Spain

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Documentation for package ‘tidyBdE’ version 0.3.6

Help Pages

bde_catalog_load Load BdE catalogs
bde_catalog_search Search BdE catalogs
bde_catalog_update Update BdE catalogs
bde_indicators Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_cpi_var Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_euribor_12m_daily Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_euribor_12m_monthly Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_gdp_quarterly Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_gdp_var Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_ibex Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_ibex_daily Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_ibex_monthly Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_population Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_ind_unemployment_rate Relevant Indicators of Spain
bde_parse_dates Parse dates
bde_series_full_load Load BdE full time-series files
bde_series_load Load a single BdE time-series
bde_tidy_palettes BdE color palettes
scales_bde BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_color_bde_c BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_color_bde_d BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_colour_bde_c BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_colour_bde_d BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_fill_bde_c BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
scale_fill_bde_d BdE scales for 'ggplot2'
theme_tidybde BdE 'ggplot2' theme