Apache Thrift Client Server

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Documentation for package ‘thriftr’ version 1.1.7

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binary_read_val Binary protocol: read value from binary buffer
binary_write_val Binary protocol: write value to binary buffer
hexlify hexlify
make_client Create client side thrift API
make_server Create server side thrift API
parse Parse a single thrift file to R6 class instance
parse_spec parse_spec
TBinaryProtocol TBinaryProtocol
TBinaryProtocolFactory TBinaryProtocolFactory
TBufferedTransport TBufferedTransport
TBufferedTransportFactory TBufferedTransportFactory
TClient TClient
TMemoryBuffer TMemoryBuffer
to_proper_struct to_proper_struct
TPayload TPayload
TServerSocket TServerSocket
TSocket TSocket
TType TType
t_load Load thrift file as a R6 instance.