threejs-package |
Interactive 3D graphics including point clouds and globes using three.js and htmlwidgets. |
ego |
Facebook social circles |
flights |
Global flight example data from Callum Prentice. |
gcol |
A basic internal color format parser |
globejs |
Plot Data on 3D Globes |
globeOutput |
Shiny bindings for threejs widgets |
graphjs |
Interactive 3D Graph Visualization |
LeMis |
Les Miserables Character Coappearance Data |
light_ambient |
Plot illumination |
light_directional |
Plot illumination |
lines3d |
Add lines to a 3D scatterplot |
points3d |
Add points to a 3D scatterplot |
renderGlobe |
Shiny bindings for threejs widgets |
renderScatterplotThree |
Shiny bindings for threejs widgets |
scatterplot3js |
Interactive 3D Scatterplots |
scatterplotThreeOutput |
Shiny bindings for threejs widgets |
texture |
Convert an image file or uri to a three.js texture |
threejs |
Interactive 3D graphics including point clouds and globes using three.js and htmlwidgets. |
threejs-shiny |
Shiny bindings for threejs widgets |
vertices-method |
Extract a matrix of vertex coordinates from a threejs widget |