Crawler for Navigating THREDDS Catalogs

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Documentation for package ‘thredds’ version 0.1-4

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thredds-package thredds: Crawler for Navigating THREDDS Catalogs
build_xpath Build and xpath string, possibly using the user specified namespace prefix.
CatalogNode A class for Catalogs (which may contain catalogs references or datasets)
DatasetNode A class for a single datatset reference
get_catalog Retrieve a catalog
get_xml_ns Retrieve the namespaces for a resource
grepl_it Determine if a vector of names match the greplargs
is_xmlNode Test if an object inherits from xml2::xml_node
parse_node Convert a node to an object inheriting from ThreddsNode
ServiceNode A simple class for parsing and holdoing service info
thredds thredds: Crawler for Navigating THREDDS Catalogs
ThreddsNode A base representation that other nodes subclass from
xmlString Convert xm2::xml_node to character
xml_children_names Get the names of children
xml_id Retrieve an ID value for a node from it's attributes.