mdb_txn {thor}R Documentation

Use mdb transactions


Transactions are required for every mdb operation. Even when using the convenience functions in mdb_env (get, etc), a transaction is created and committed each time. Within a transaction, either everything happens or nothing happens, and everything gets a single consistent view of the database.


There can be many read transactions per environment, but only one write transactions. Because R is single-threaded, that means that you can only simultaneously write from an mdb environment from a single object - any further attempts to open write transactions it would block forever while waiting for a lock that can't be released because there is only one thread!



Return the mdb internal id of the transaction

Usage: id()

Value: An integer

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_txn_id()


Brief statistics about the database. This is the same as mdb_env's stat() but applying to the transaction

Usage: stat()

Value: An integer vector with elements psize (the size of a database page), depth (depth of the B-tree), brancb_pages (number of internal non-leaf) pages), leaf_pages (number of leaf pages), overflow_pages (number of overflow pages) and entries (number of data items).

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_stat()


Commit all changes made in this transaction to the database, and invalidate the transaction, and any cursors belonging to it (i.e., once committed the transaction cannot be used again)

Usage: commit()

Value: Nothing, called for its side effects only

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_txn_commit()


Abandon all changes made in this transaction to the database, and invalidate the transaction, and any cursors belonging to it (i.e., once aborted the transaction cannot be used again). For read-only transactions there is no practical difference between abort and commit, except that using abort allows the transaction to be recycled more efficiently.

Usage: abort(cache = TRUE)


  • cache: Logical, indicating if a read-only transaction should be cached for recycling

Value: Nothing, called for its side effects only

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_txn_abort()


Create a mdb_cursor object in this transaction. This can be used for more powerful database interactions.

Usage: cursor()

Value: A mdb_cursor object.

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_cursor_open()


Retrieve a value from the database

Usage: get(key, missing_is_error = TRUE, as_proxy = FALSE, as_raw = NULL)


  • key: A string (or raw vector) - the key to get

  • missing_is_error: Logical, indicating if a missing value is an error (by default it is). Alternatively, with missing_is_error = FALSE, a missing value will return NULL. Because no value can be NULL (all values must have nonzero length) a NULL is unambiguously missing.

  • as_proxy: Return a "proxy" object, which defers doing a copy into R. See mdb_proxy for more information.

  • as_raw: Either NULL, or a logical, to indicate the result type required. With as_raw = NULL, the default, the value will be returned as a string if possible. If not possible it will return a raw vector. With as_raw = TRUE, get() will always return a raw vector, even when it is possibly to represent the value as a string. If as_raw = FALSE, get will return a string, but throw an error if this is not possible. This is discussed in more detail in the thor vignette (vignette("thor"))

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_get()


Put values into the database. In other systems, this might be called "set".

Usage: put(key, value, overwrite = TRUE, append = FALSE)


  • key: The name of the key (string or raw vector)

  • value: The value to save (string or raw vector)

  • overwrite: Logical - when TRUE it will overwrite existing data; when FALSE throw an error

  • append: Logical - when TRUE, append the given key/value to the end of the database. This option allows fast bulk loading when keys are already known to be in the correct order. But if you load unsorted keys with append = TRUE an error will be thrown

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_put()


Remove a key/value pair from the database

Usage: del(key)


  • key: The name of the key (string or raw vector)

Value: A scalar logical, indicating if the value was deleted

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_del()


Test if a key exists in the database.

Usage: exists(key)


  • key: The name of the key to test (string or raw vector). Unlike get, put and del (but like mget, mput and mdel), exists is vectorised. So the input here can be; a character vector of any length (returning the same length logical vector), a raw vector (representing one key, returning a scalar logical) or a list with each element being either a scalar character or a raw vector, returning a logical the same length as the list.

Details: This is an extension of the raw LMDB API and works by using mdb_get for each key (which for lmdb need not copy data) and then testing whether the return value is MDB_SUCCESS or MDB_NOTFOUND.

Value: A logical vector


List keys in the database

Usage: list(starts_with = NULL, as_raw = FALSE, size = NULL)


  • starts_with: Optionally, a prefix for all strings. Note that is not a regular expression or a filename glob. Using foo will match foo, foo:bar and foobar but not fo or FOO. Because LMDB stores keys in a sorted tree, using a prefix can greatly reduce the number of keys that need to be tested.

  • as_raw: Same interpretation as as_raw in $get() but with a different default. It is expected that most of the time keys will be strings, so by default we'll try and return a character vector as_raw = FALSE. Change the default if your database contains raw keys.

  • size: For use with starts_with, optionally a guess at the number of keys that would be returned. with starts_with = NULL we can look the number of keys up directly so this is ignored.


Get values for multiple keys at once (like $get but vectorised over key)

Usage: mget(key, as_proxy = FALSE, as_raw = NULL)


  • key: The keys to get values for. Zero, one or more keys are allowed.

  • as_proxy: Logical, indicating if a list of mdb_proxy objects should be returned.

  • as_raw: As for $get(), logical (or NULL) indicating if raw or string output is expected or desired.


Put multiple values into the database (like $put but vectorised over key/value).

Usage: mput(key, value, overwrite = TRUE, append = FALSE)


  • key: The keys to set

  • value: The values to set against these keys. Must be the same length as key.

  • overwrite: As for $put

  • append: As for $put

Details: The implementation simply calls mdb_put repeatedly (but with a single round of error checking) so duplicate key entries will result in the last key winning.


Delete multiple values from the database (like $del but vectorised over key).

Usage: mdel(key)


  • key: The keys to delete

Value: A logical vector, the same length as key, indicating if each key was deleted.


Use a temporary cursor to replace an item; this function will replace the data held at key and return the previous value (or NULL if it doesn't exist). See mdb_cursor for fuller documentation.

Usage: replace(key, value, as_raw = NULL)


  • key: The key to replace

  • value: The new value value to st key to

  • as_raw: For the returned value, how should the data be returned?

Value: As for $get(), a single data item as either a string or raw vector.


Use a temporary cursor to "pop" an item; this function will delete an item but return the value that it had as it deletes it.

Usage: pop(key, as_raw = NULL)


  • key: The key to pop

  • as_raw: For the returned value, how should the data be returned?

Value: As for $get(), a single data item as either a string or raw vector.


Compare two keys for ordering

Usage: cmp(a, b)


  • a: A key (string or raw); it need not be in the database

  • b: A key to compare with b (string or raw)

Value: A scalar integer, being -1 (if a < b), 0 (if a == b) or 1 (if a > b).

Note: In lmdb.h this is mdb_cmp()


# Start by creating a new environment, and within that a write
# transaction
env <- thor::mdb_env(tempfile())
txn <- env$begin(write = TRUE)

# With this transaction we can write values and see them as set
txn$put("a", "hello")

# But because the transaction is not committed, any new
# transaction will not see the values:
env$get("a", missing_is_error = FALSE) # NULL
txn2 <- env$begin()
txn2$get("a", missing_is_error = FALSE) # NULL

# Once we commit a transaction, *new* transactions will see the
# value
env$get("a") # "hello"
env$begin()$get("a") # "hello"

# But old transactions retain their consistent view of the database
txn2$get("a", missing_is_error = FALSE)

# Cleanup

[Package thor version 1.1.5 Index]