Tools for Cleaning Up Messy Files

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Documentation for package ‘thinkr’ version 0.16

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%ni% not in
.efface_test delete .test file in testthat folder
all_ggplot_to_pptx Save all ggplot in a pptx
as_mon_numeric Transform a vector into numeric if meaningful, even with bad decimal, space or %
clean_levels Clean levels label
clean_names clean_names
clean_vec Clean character vector
dput_levels return R instruction to create levels
excel_col Get position or excel name of column
excel_names Get position or excel name of column
excel_to_ncol Get position or excel name of column
find_name find pattern in name's dataset
from_excel_to_posixt transform the excel numeric date format into POSIXct
gsub2 like gsub but keep a factor as factor
is.01 does this vector only contains 0 and 1
is.12 does this vector only contains 1 and 2
is_full_figures Predicate for charater vector full of figures
is_full_na Predicate for full NA vector
is_likert is a factor a likert scale
look_like_a_number return TRUE if this look like a number
make_unique make.unique improvement
ncol_to_excel Get position or excel name of column
peep peep the pipeline
replace_pattern Replace pattern everywhere in a data.frame
save_as_csv export a data.frame to csv
set_col_type set a given coltype to each column in a data.frame