TheiaAuth {theiaR}R Documentation

Authentication system to Theia website


Generate and manage authentication to Theia website from login and password. It requests a token to download tiles when created and automatically request a new one when it has expired (after 2h). It is used to download tiles from TheiaTile and TheiaCollection objects.


   a <- TheiaAuth$new(auth.file)




A TheiaAuth object


The path to the file containing login and password. It will be created if it does not exist. See 'Details' for more informations


TheiaAuth$new(auth.file) Create a new instance of the class

a$token() Return the current token or generate a next one if it has expired

This class is used to manage authentication to Theia website, without intervention from the user. Login and password must be stored in a separate text file with these two lines:

login password

File content is read each time authentication is needed (to request a new token), so login and password are not stored in R's memory. If this file does not exist, R will prompt you to enter your login and password and will create the file.


## Not run: 
# create an authentication object
myauth <- TheiaAuth$new("path_to_auth_file.txt")

# show the access token (and request a new one if needed)

## End(Not run)

[Package theiaR version 0.4.0 Index]