Turing Geovisualization Engine R package

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Documentation for package ‘tgver’ version 0.3.0

Help Pages

background_run Internal helper function to run a 'plumber' instance on specific host and port.
copy_tgve Internal helper function to: 1. copy the bundled zip 2. unzip 3. cleanup as required. TODO: return a value?
explore_dir A function to read and serve at least one file from a directory.
explore_file A function to explore a spatial csv or geojson file
explore_sf Explore an sf R object using TGVE npm package.
file_replace Function to replace patterns in given files.
get_url Helper function to generate URLs
help Function to explore available API variables, their types and examples of using them in the TGVE
is_valid_url Good enough regex to sanitize URLs
list_api_files Function to find what files may contain TGVE API variables for functions like 'file_replace' to consume.
openURL Internal helper function to "browse" a URL.
setup Setup an instance.
tempInstance copy the inst/tgve to a temp in an R session
tgve Open static TGVE instance
tgvejsVersion Version of the tgvejs npm package bundled in 'tgver'
tgve_server Start a TGVE instance server
version Version of the tgvejs npm package bundled in 'tgver'