default.itemps {tgp}R Documentation

Default Sigmoidal, Harmonic and Geometric Temperature Ladders


Parameterized by the minimum desired inverse temperature, this function generates a ladder of inverse temperatures k[1:m] starting at k[1] = 1, with m steps down to the final temperature k[m] = k.min progressing sigmoidally, harmonically or geometrically. The output is in a format convenient for the b* functions in the tgp package (e.g. btgp), including stochastic approximation parameters c0c_0 and n0n_0 for tuning the uniform pseudo-prior output by this function


default.itemps(m = 40, type = c("geometric", "harmonic","sigmoidal"),
               k.min = 0.1, c0n0 = c(100, 1000), lambda = c("opt",
               "naive", "st"))



Number of temperatures in the ladder; m=1 corresponds to importance sampling at the temperature specified by k.min (in this case all other arguments are ignored)


Choose from amongst two common defaults for simulated tempering and Metropolis-coupled MCMC, i.e., geometric (default) or harmonic, or a sigmoidal ladder (default) that concentrates more inverse temperatures near 1


Minimum inverse temperature desired


Stochastic approximation parameters used to tune the simulated tempering pseudo-prior ($pk) to get a uniform posterior over the inverse temperatures; must be a 2-vector of positive integers c(c0, n0); see the Geyer & Thompson reference below


Method for combining the importance samplers at each temperature. Optimal combination ("opt") is the default, weighting the IS at each temperature kk by

λk(iwki)2/iwki2.\lambda_k \propto (\sum_i w_{ki})^2/\sum_i w_{ki}^2.

Setting lambda = "naive" allows each temperature to contribute equally (λk1\lambda_k \propto 1, or equivalently ignores delineations due to temperature when using importance weights. Setting lambda = "st" allows only the first (cold) temperature to contribute to the estimator, thereby implementing simulated tempering


The geometric and harmonic inverse temperature ladders are usually defined by an index i=1,,mi=1,\dots,m and a parameter Δk>0\Delta_k > 0. The geometric ladder is defined by

ki=(1+Δk)1i,k_i = (1+\Delta_k)^{1-i},

and the harmonic ladder by

ki=(1+Δk(i1))1.k_i = (1+\Delta_k(i-1))^{-1}.

Alternatively, specifying the minimum temperature k\mboxmink_{\mbox{\tiny min}} in the ladder can be used to uniquely determine Δk\Delta_k. E.g., for the geometric ladder

Δk=k\mboxmin1/(1m)1,\Delta_k = k_{\mbox{\tiny min}}^{1/(1-m)}-1,

and for the harmonic

Δk=k\mboxmin11m1.\Delta_k = \frac{k_{\mbox{\tiny min}}^{-1}-1}{m-1}.

In a similar spirit, the sigmoidal ladder is specified by first situating mm indices jij_i\in \Re so that k1=k(j1)=1k_1 = k(j_1) = 1 and km=k(jm)=k\mboxmink_m = k(j_m) = k_{\mbox{\tiny min}} under

k(ji)=1.0111+eji.k(j_i) = 1.01 - \frac{1}{1+e^{j_i}}.

The remaining ji,i=2,,(m1)j_i, i=2,\dots,(m-1) are spaced evenly between j1j_1 and jmj_m to fill out the ladder ki=k(ji),i=1,,(m1)k_i = k(j_i), i=1,\dots,(m-1).

For more details, see the Importance tempering paper cited below and a full demonstration in vignette("tgp2")


The return value is a list which is compatible with the input argument itemps to the b* functions (e.g. btgp), containing the following entries:


A copy of the c0n0 input argument


The generated inverse temperature ladder; a vector with length(k) = m containing a decreasing sequence from 1 down to k.min


A vector with length(pk) = m containing an initial pseudo-prior for the temperature ladder of 1/m for each inverse temperature


IT method, as specified by the input argument


Robert B. Gramacy,, and Matt Taddy,


Gramacy, R.B., Samworth, R.J., and King, R. (2010) Importance Tempering. ArXiV article 0707.4242 Statistics and Computing, 20(1), pp. 1-7;

For stochastic approximation and simulated tempering (ST):

Geyer, C.~and Thompson, E.~(1995). Annealing Markov chain Monte Carlo with applications to ancestral inference. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 90, 909–920.

For the geometric temperature ladder:

Neal, R.M.~(2001) Annealed importance sampling. Statistics and Computing, 11, 125–129

Justifying geometric and harmonic defaults:

Liu, J.S.~(1002) Monte Carlo Strategies in Scientific Computing. New York: Springer. Chapter 10 (pages 213 & 233)

See Also



## comparing the different ladders
geo <- default.itemps(type="geometric")
har <- default.itemps(type="harmonic")
sig <- default.itemps(type="sigmoidal")
matplot(cbind(geo$k, har$k, sig$k), pch=21:23,
        main="inv-temp ladders", xlab="indx",
legend("topright", pch=21:23, 
       c("geometric","harmonic","sigmoidal"), col=1:3)
matplot(log(cbind(sig$k, geo$k, har$k)), pch=21:23,
        main="log(inv-temp) ladders", xlab="indx",

## Not run: 
## using Importance Tempering (IT) to improve mixing
## on the motorcycle accident dataset
library(MASS) <- btgpllm(X=mcycle[,1], Z=mcycle[,2], BTE=c(2000,22000,2),
        R=3, itemps=default.itemps(), bprior="b0", trace=TRUE, 

## compare to regular tgp w/o IT
out.reg <- btgpllm(X=mcycle[,1], Z=mcycle[,2], BTE=c(2000,22000,2),
        R=3, bprior="b0", trace=TRUE, pred.n=FALSE)

## compare the heights explored by the three chains:
## REG, combining all temperatures, and IT
p <-$trace$post
L <- length(p$height)
hw <- suppressWarnings(sample(p$height, L, prob=p$wlambda, replace=TRUE))
b <- hist2bar(cbind(out.reg$trace$post$height, p$height, hw))
barplot(b, beside=TRUE, xlab="tree height", ylab="counts", col=1:3,
        main="tree heights encountered")
legend("topright", c("reg MCMC", "All Temps", "IT"), fill=1:3)

## End(Not run)

[Package tgp version 2.4-22 Index]