mcmc_metropolis_adjusted_langevin_algorithm {tfprobability}R Documentation

Runs one step of Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm.


Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA) is a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm that takes a step of a discretised Langevin diffusion as a proposal. This class implements one step of MALA using Euler-Maruyama method for a given current_state and diagonal preconditioning volatility matrix.


  volatility_fn = NULL,
  seed = NULL,
  parallel_iterations = 10,
  name = NULL



Function which takes an argument like current_state (if it's a list current_state will be unpacked) and returns its (possibly unnormalized) log-density under the target distribution.


Tensor or list of Tensors representing the step size for the leapfrog integrator. Must broadcast with the shape of current_state. Larger step sizes lead to faster progress, but too-large step sizes make rejection exponentially more likely. When possible, it's often helpful to match per-variable step sizes to the standard deviations of the target distribution in each variable.


function which takes an argument like current_state (or ⁠*current_state⁠ if it's a list) and returns volatility value at current_state. Should return a Tensor or list of Tensors that must broadcast with the shape of current_state. Defaults to the identity function.


integer to seed the random number generator.


the number of coordinates for which the gradients of the volatility matrix volatility_fn can be computed in parallel.


String prefixed to Ops created by this function. Default value: NULL (i.e., 'mala_kernel').


Mathematical details and derivations can be found in Roberts and Rosenthal (1998) and Xifara et al. (2013).

The one_step function can update multiple chains in parallel. It assumes that all leftmost dimensions of current_state index independent chain states (and are therefore updated independently). The output of target_log_prob_fn(current_state) should reduce log-probabilities across all event dimensions. Slices along the rightmost dimensions may have different target distributions; for example, ⁠current_state[0, :]⁠ could have a different target distribution from ⁠current_state[1, :]⁠. These semantics are governed by target_log_prob_fn(current_state). (The number of independent chains is tf.size(target_log_prob_fn(current_state)).)


See Also

Other mcmc_kernels: mcmc_dual_averaging_step_size_adaptation(), mcmc_hamiltonian_monte_carlo(), mcmc_metropolis_hastings(), mcmc_no_u_turn_sampler(), mcmc_random_walk_metropolis(), mcmc_replica_exchange_mc(), mcmc_simple_step_size_adaptation(), mcmc_slice_sampler(), mcmc_transformed_transition_kernel(), mcmc_uncalibrated_hamiltonian_monte_carlo(), mcmc_uncalibrated_langevin(), mcmc_uncalibrated_random_walk()

[Package tfprobability version 0.15.1 Index]