Interface to 'TensorFlow IO'

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Documentation for package ‘tfio’ version 0.4.1

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arrow_feather_dataset Creates a 'ArrowFeatherDataset'.
arrow_stream_dataset Creates a 'ArrowStreamDataset'.
from_schema Create an Arrow Dataset from the given Arrow schema.
from_schema.arrow_feather_dataset Create an Arrow Dataset for reading record batches from Arrow feather files, inferring output types and shapes from the given Arrow schema.
from_schema.arrow_stream_dataset Create an Arrow Dataset from an input stream, inferring output types and shapes from the given Arrow schema.
ignite_dataset Create a 'IgniteDataset'.
kafka_dataset Creates a 'KafkaDataset'.
kinesis_dataset Creates a 'KinesisDataset'.
lmdb_dataset Create a 'LMDBDataset'.
make_libsvm_dataset Create a Dataset from LibSVM files.
mnist_image_dataset Creates a 'MNISTImageDataset'.
mnist_label_dataset Creates a 'MNISTLabelDataset'.
parquet_dataset Create a 'ParquetDataset'.
pubsub_dataset Creates a 'PubSubDataset'.
sequence_file_dataset Create a 'SequenceFileDataset'.
tfio TensorFlow IO API for R
tiff_dataset Create a 'TIFFDataset'.
video_dataset Create a 'VideoDataset' that reads the video file.
webp_dataset Create a 'WebPDataset'.