ag_loop_vars {tfautograph}R Documentation

Specify loop variables


This can be used to manually specify which variables are to be included explicitly as loop_vars when autographing an expression into a tf.while_loop() call, or the loop_vars equivalent when building a dataset.reduce().


  list = character(),
  include = character(),
  exclude = character(),
  undef = character()



Variables as bare symbol names

list, include, exclude

optionally, the variable names as a character vector (use this as an escape hatch from the ... lazy evaluation semantics).


character vector of symbols


Use of this is usually not required as the loop variables are automatically inferred. Inference is done by statically looking through the loop body and finding the symbols that are the targets of the common assignment operators from base R (⁠<-⁠, ⁠->⁠, =), from package:zeallot (⁠%<-%⁠ and ⁠%->%⁠) and package:magrittr (⁠%<>%⁠).

In certain circumstances, this approach may capture variables that are intended to be local variables only. In those circumstances it is also possible to specify them preceded with a -.

Note, the specified loop vars are expected to exist before the autographed expression, and a warning is issued otherwise (usually immediately preceding an error thrown when attempting to actually autograph the expression)

Only bare symbol names can be supplied as loop vars. In the future, support may be expanded to allow for nested complex composites (e.g., specifying variables that are nested within a more complex structure–passing ag_loop_vars(foo$bar$baz) is currently not supported.)


the specified hint invisibly.


The semantics of this function are inspired by base::rm()


## Not run: 
i <- tf$constant(0L)

  ag_loop_vars(x, i)
  while(x > 0) {
    if(x %%2 == 0)
      i <- i + 1L
    x <- x - 1

## sometimes, a variable is infered to be a loop_var unnecessarily. For example
x <- tf$constant(1:10)

# imagine x is left over in the current scope from some previous calculations
# It's value is not important, but it exists
  for(i in tf$constant(1:6)) {
    x <- i * i

# this will throw an error because `x` was infered to be a `loop_var`,
# but it's shape witin the loop body is different from what it was before.
# there are two solutions to prevent `x` from being captured as a loop_var
## 1) remove `x` from the current scope like so:

## 2) provide a hint like so:

## if your variable names are being dynamically generated, there is an
## escape hatch for the lazy evaluation semantics of ...
ag_loop_vars(exclude = "x")

## End(Not run)

[Package tfautograph version 0.3.2 Index]