functionwise {tf}R Documentation

Summarize each tf in a vector


These functions extract (user-specified) function-wise summary statistics from each entry in a tf-vector. To summarize a vector of functions at each argument value, see ?tfsummaries. Note that these will tend to yield lots of NAs for irregular tfd unless you set a tf_evaluator()-function that does inter- and extrapolation for them beforehand.


tf_fwise(x, .f, arg = tf_arg(x), ...)

tf_fmax(x, arg = tf_arg(x), na.rm = FALSE)

tf_fmin(x, arg = tf_arg(x), na.rm = FALSE)

tf_fmedian(x, arg = tf_arg(x), na.rm = FALSE)

tf_frange(x, arg = tf_arg(x), na.rm = FALSE, finite = FALSE)

tf_fmean(x, arg = tf_arg(x))

tf_fvar(x, arg = tf_arg(x))

tf_fsd(x, arg = tf_arg(x))

tf_crosscov(x, y, arg = tf_arg(x))

tf_crosscor(x, y, arg = tf_arg(x))



a tf object


a function or formula that is applied to each entry of x, see purrr::as_mapper() and Details.


defaults to standard argument values of x


additional arguments for purrr::as_mapper()


a logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.


logical, indicating if all non-finite elements should be omitted.


a tf object


tf_fwise turns x into a list of data.frames with columns arg and values internally, so the function/formula in .f gets a data.frame .x with these columns, see examples below or source code for tf_fmin(), tf_fmax(), etc


a list (or vector) of the same length as x with the respective summaries


See Also

Other tidyfun summary functions: tfsummaries


x <- tf_rgp(3)
plot(x, col = 1:3)
#  each function's values to [0,1]:
x_clamp <- (x - tf_fmin(x)) / (tf_fmax(x) - tf_fmin(x))
plot(x_clamp, col = 1:3)
# standardize each function to have mean / integral 0 and sd 1:
x_std <- (x - tf_fmean(x)) / tf_fsd(x)
tf_fvar(x_std) == c(1, 1, 1)
plot(x_std, col = 1:3)
# Custom functions:
# 80%tiles of each function's values:
tf_fwise(x, ~ quantile(.x$value, .8)) |> unlist()
# minimal value of each function for t >.5
tf_fwise(x, ~ min(.x$value[.x$arg > .5])) |> unlist()

tf_crosscor(x, -x)
tf_crosscov(x, x) == tf_fvar(x)

[Package tf version 0.3.4 Index]