textreg-package |
Sparse regression package for text that allows for multiple word phrases. |
bathtub |
Sample of cleaned OSHA accident summaries. |
build.corpus |
Build a corpus that can be used in the textreg call. |
calc.loss |
Calculate total loss of model (Squared hinge loss). |
clean.text |
Clean text and get it ready for textreg. |
cluster.phrases |
Cluster phrases based on similarity of appearance. |
convert.tm.to.character |
Convert tm corpus to vector of strings. |
cpp_build.corpus |
Driver function for the C++ function. |
cpp_textreg |
Driver function for the C++ function. |
dirtyBathtub |
Sample of raw-text OSHA accident summaries. |
find.CV.C |
K-fold cross-validation to determine optimal tuning parameter |
find.threshold.C |
Conduct permutation test on labeling to get null distribution of regularization parameter. |
fragment.sample |
Is object a fragment.sample object? |
grab.fragments |
Grab all fragments in a corpus with given phrase. |
is.fragment.sample |
Is object a fragment.sample object? |
is.textreg.corpus |
Is object a textreg.corpus object? |
is.textreg.result |
Is object a textreg.result object? |
list.table.chart |
Graphic showing multiple word lists side-by-side. |
make.appearance.matrix |
Make phrase appearance matrix from textreg result. |
make.count.table |
Count number of times documents have a given phrase. |
make.CV.chart |
Plot K-fold cross validation curves |
make.list.table |
Collate multiple regression runs. |
make.path.matrix |
Generate matrix describing gradient descent path of textreg. |
make.phrase.correlation.chart |
Generate visualization of phrase overlap. |
make.phrase.matrix |
Make a table of where phrases appear in a corpus |
make.similarity.matrix |
Calculate similarity matrix for set of phrases. |
make_search_phrases |
Convert phrases to appropriate search string. |
path.matrix.chart |
Plot optimization path of textreg. |
phrase.count |
Count phrase appearance. |
phrase.matrix |
Make matrix of where phrases appear in corpus. |
phrases |
Get the phrases from the textreg.result object? |
plot.textreg.result |
Plot the sequence of features as they are introduced with the textreg gradient descent program. |
predict.textreg.result |
Predict labeling with the selected phrases. |
print.fragment.sample |
Pretty print results of phrase sampling object. |
print.textreg.corpus |
Pretty print textreg corpus object |
print.textreg.result |
Pretty print results of textreg regression. |
reformat.textreg.model |
Clean up output from textreg. |
sample.fragments |
Sample fragments of text to contextualize a phrase. |
save.corpus.to.files |
Save corpus to text (and RData) file. |
stem.corpus |
Step corpus with annotation. |
testCorpora |
Some small, fake test corpora. |
textreg |
Sparse regression of labeling vector onto all phrases in a corpus. |
textreg.corpus |
Is object a textreg.corpus object? |
textreg.result |
Is object a textreg.result object? |
tm_gregexpr |
Call gregexpr on the content of a tm Corpus. |