Text Plots

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Documentation for package ‘textplot’ version 0.2.2

Help Pages

example_btm Example Biterm Topic Model
example_embedding Example word embedding matrix
example_embedding_clusters Example words emitted in a ETM text clustering model
example_udpipe Example annotation of text using udpipe
plot.BTM Plot function for a BTM object
textplot_bar Barplot of a frequency table using lattice
textplot_bar.default Barplot of a frequency table using lattice
textplot_bitermclusters Plot biterm cluster groups
textplot_bitermclusters.default Plot biterm cluster groups
textplot_cooccurrence Plot term cooccurrences as a network
textplot_cooccurrence.default Plot term cooccurrences as a network
textplot_correlation_glasso Plot sparse term correlations as a graph structure
textplot_correlation_glasso.default Plot sparse term correlations as a graph structure
textplot_correlation_lines Document/Term Correlation Plot
textplot_correlation_lines.default Document/Term Correlation Plot
textplot_correlation_lines_attrs Document/Term Correlation Plot graphical attributes
textplot_dependencyparser Plot output of a dependency parser
textplot_dependencyparser.default Plot output of a dependency parser
textplot_embedding_2d Plot word embeddings in 2D
textplot_embedding_2d.default Plot word embeddings in 2D