text2sdg {text2sdg}R Documentation

Detecting UN Sustainable Development Goals in Text


The text2sdg package provides functions for detecting SDGs in text, as well as for analyzing and visualization the hits found in text. The following provides a brief overview of the contents of the package.

Detect functions

detect_sdg detects SDGs in text using up to five different query systems: Aurora, Elsevier, SIRIS, SDSN, and OSDG

detect_any detects SDGs in text using self-specified queries utilizing the lucene-style syntax of the corpustools package.

Analysis functions

plot_sdg visualizes the relative frequency of SDG hits across query systems.

crosstab_sdg calculates cross tables of correlations between either the query systems or the different SDGs.


projects contain random selection of research project descriptions from the P3 database of the Swiss National Science Foundation.

aurora_queries, elsevier_queries, siris_queries, sdsn_queries, auckland_queries and sdgo_queries contain a mapping of SDGs and search queries as they are employed in the respective systems.


# detect SDGs using default systems
hits <- detect_sdg_systems(projects)

#' # detect SDGs using all five systems
hits <- detect_sdg_systems(projects,
  system = c("Aurora", "Elsevier", "SIRIS", "SDSN", "SDGO")

# visualize SDG frequencies

# correlations between systems

# correlations between SDGs
crosstab_sdg(hits, compare = "sdgs")

[Package text2sdg version 1.1.1 Index]