dtm_builder {text2map}R Documentation

A fast unigram DTM builder


A streamlined function to take raw texts from a column of a data.frame and produce a sparse Document-Term Matrix (of generic class "dgCMatrix").


  doc_id = NULL,
  vocab = NULL,
  chunk = NULL,
  dense = FALSE,
  omit_empty = FALSE



Data.frame with column of texts and column of document ids


Name of the column with documents' text


Name of the column with documents' unique ids.


Default is NULL, if a list of terms is provided, the function will return a DTM with terms restricted to this vocabulary. Columns will also be in the same order as the list of terms.


Default is NULL, if an integer is provided, the function will "re-chunk" the corpus into new documents of a particular length. For example, 100L will divide the corpus into new documents with 100 terms (with the final document likely including slightly less than 100).


The default (FALSE) is to return a matrix of class "dgCMatrix" as DTMs typically have mostly zero cells. This is much more memory efficient. Setting dense to TRUE will return a normal base R matrix.


Logical (default = FALSE) indicating whether to omit rows that are empty after stopping any terms.


The function is fast because it has few bells and whistles:

Weighting or stopping terms can be done efficiently after the fact with simple matrix operations, rather than achieved implicitly within the function itself. For example, using the dtm_stopper() function. Prior to creating the DTM, texts should have whitespace trimmed, if desired, punctuation removed and terms lowercased.

Like tidytext's DTM functions, dtm_builder() is optimized for use in a pipeline, but unlike tidytext, it does not build an intermediary tripletlist, so dtm_builder() is faster and far more memory efficient.

The function can also chunk the corpus into documents of a given length (default is NULL). If the integer provided is 200L, this will divide the corpus into new documents with 200 terms (with the final document likely including slightly less than 200). If the total terms in the corpus were less than or equal to chunk integer, this would produce a DTM with one document (most will probably not want this).

If the vocabulary is already known, or standardizing vocabulary across several DTMs is desired, a list of terms can be provided to the vocab argument. Columns of the DTM will be in the order of the list of terms.


returns a document-term matrix of class "dgCMatrix" or class "matrix"


Dustin Stoltz



my_corpus <- data.frame(
  text = c(
    "I hear babies crying I watch them grow",
    "They'll learn much more than I'll ever know",
    "And I think to myself",
    "What a wonderful world",
    "Yes I think to myself",
    "What a wonderful world"
  line_id = paste0("line", seq_len(6))
## some text preprocessing
my_corpus$clean_text <- tolower(gsub("'", "", my_corpus$text))

# example 1 with R 4.1 pipe

dtm <- my_corpus |>
  dtm_builder(clean_text, line_id)

# example 2 without pipe
dtm <- dtm_builder(
  data = my_corpus,
  text = clean_text,
  doc_id = line_id

# example 3 with dplyr pipe and mutate

dtm <- my_corpus %>%
    clean_text = gsub("'", "", text),
    clean_text = tolower(clean_text)
  ) %>%
  dtm_builder(clean_text, line_id)

# example 4 with dplyr and chunk of 3 terms
dtm <- my_corpus %>%
    chunk = 3L

# example 5 with user defined vocabulary
my.vocab <- c("wonderful", "world", "haiku", "think")

dtm <- dtm_builder(
  data = my_corpus,
  text = clean_text,
  doc_id = line_id,
  vocab = my.vocab

[Package text2map version 0.2.0 Index]