Statistical Modelling of Extreme Values

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Documentation for package ‘texmex’ version 2.4.9

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A B C D E G J L M N P Q R S T W misc

texmex-package Extreme value modelling

-- A --

addExcesses Annotate a threshold selection ggplot
AIC.evmOpt Information Criteria
AIC.evmSim Information Criteria

-- B --

bootExtremalIndex Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
bootmex Bootstrap a conditional multivariate extreme values model

-- C --

calcJointExceedanceCurve Joint exceedance curves
cgpd Create families of distributions
chi Measures of extremal dependence
coef.evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
copula Calculate the copula of a matrix of variables Calculate the copula of a matrix of variables
copula.default Calculate the copula of a matrix of variables
copula.matrix Calculate the copula of a matrix of variables
cv Cross-validation for a model object
cv.evmOpt Cross-validation for the shape parameter in an extreme values model

-- D --

declust Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
declust.default Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
declust.extremalIndex Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
degp3 Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the extended generalized Pareto distribution 3
dgev Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized extreme value distribution
dglo Generalized logistic distribution
dgpd Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized Pareto distribution
dgumbel The Gumbel distribution

-- E --

edf Compute empirical distribution function
egp3 Create families of distributions
egp3RangeFit Estimate the EGP3 distribution power parameter over a range of thresholds
endPoint Calculate upper end point for a fitted extreme value model
endPoint.evmBoot Calculate upper end point for a fitted extreme value model
endPoint.evmOpt Calculate upper end point for a fitted extreme value model
endPoint.evmSim Calculate upper end point for a fitted extreme value model
evm Extreme value modelling
evm.declustered Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
evm.default Extreme value modelling
evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
evmReal Extreme value modelling
evmSim MCMC simulation around an evmOpt fit
evmSimSetSeed Set the seed from a fitted evmSim object.
extremalIndex Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
extremalIndexRangeFit Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering

-- G --

geom_jointExcCurve Joint exceedance curves
gev Create families of distributions
ggacfplots Diagnostic plots for the Markov chains in an evmSim object
ggbootdensplots Diagnostic plots for the replicate estimated parameter values in an evmBoot object
ggdensplots Diagnostic plots for the Markov chains in an evmSim object
ggplot.bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
ggplot.chi Measures of extremal dependence
ggplot.copula Fancy plotting for copulas Cross-validation for a model object
ggplot.declustered Diagnostic plots for an declustered object
ggplot.egp3RangeFit Estimate the EGP3 distribution power parameter over a range of thresholds
ggplot.evmBoot Diagnostic plots for the replicate estimated parameter values in an evmBoot object
ggplot.evmOpt Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggplot.evmOpt, Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggplot.evmSim Diagnostic plots for the Markov chains in an evmSim object
ggplot.extremalIndex Diagnostic plots for an declustered object
ggplot.extremalIndexRangeFit Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
ggplot.gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
ggplot.hist.evmOpt Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggplot.lp.evmBoot Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplot.lp.evmOpt Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplot.lp.evmSim Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplot.MCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
ggplot.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
ggplot.migpd Fit multiple independent generalized Pareto models
ggplot.mrl Mean residual life plot
ggplot.ppevm Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggplot.predict.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
ggplot.qqevm Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggplot.rl.evmBoot Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplot.rl.evmOpt Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplot.rl.evmSim Plotting function for return level estimation
ggplotrl Diagnostic plots for an evm object
ggtraceplots Diagnostic plots for the Markov chains in an evmSim object
glo Create families of distributions
gpd Create families of distributions Profile likelihood based confidence intervals for GPD
gpdIntCensored Create families of distributions
gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
gumbel Create families of distributions

-- J --

JointExceedanceCurve Joint exceedance curves
JointExceedanceCurve.default Joint exceedance curves
JointExceedanceCurve.mexMC Joint exceedance curves
JointExceedanceCurve.predict.mex Joint exceedance curves

-- L --

linearPredictors Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
linearPredictors.evmBoot Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
linearPredictors.evmOpt Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
linearPredictors.evmSim Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
liver Liver related laboratory data
logLik.evmOpt Log-likelihood for evmOpt objects

-- M --

makeReferenceMarginalDistribution Provide full marginal reference distribution for for maringal transformation
MCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
mexAll Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
mexDependence Estimate the dependence parameters in a conditional multivariate extreme values model
mexMonteCarlo Simulation from dependence models
mexRangeFit Estimate dependence parameters in a conditional multivariate extreme values model over a range of thresholds.
migpd Fit multiple independent generalized Pareto models
migpdCoefs Change values of parameters in a migpd object
mrl Mean residual life plot

-- N --

nidd Rain, wavesurge, portpirie and nidd datasets.

-- P --

pegp3 Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the extended generalized Pareto distribution 3
pgev Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized extreme value distribution
pglo Generalized logistic distribution
pgpd Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized Pareto distribution
pgumbel The Gumbel distribution
plot.bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
plot.bootmex Bootstrap a conditional multivariate extreme values model
plot.chi Measures of extremal dependence
plot.copula Plot copulas Cross-validation for a model object
plot.declustered Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
plot.egp3RangeFit Estimate the EGP3 distribution power parameter over a range of thresholds
plot.evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
plot.evmOpt Plots for evmOpt objects
plot.evmSim Plots for evmSim objects
plot.extremalIndexRangeFit Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
plot.gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
plot.lp.evmOpt Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
plot.MCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
plot.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
plot.migpd Fit multiple independent generalized Pareto models
plot.mrl Mean residual life plot
plot.predict.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
plot.rl.evmBoot Return levels
plot.rl.evmOpt Return levels
plot.rl.evmSim Return levels
portpirie Rain, wavesurge, portpirie and nidd datasets.
predict.evmBoot Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
predict.evmOpt Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
predict.evmSim Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
predict.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
print.bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
print.bootmex Bootstrap a conditional multivariate extreme values model
print.chi Measures of extremal dependence Cross-validation for a model object
print.declustered Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
print.egp3RangeFit Estimate the EGP3 distribution power parameter over a range of thresholds
print.evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
print.evmOpt Print evmOpt objects
print.extremalIndex Extremal index estimation and automatic declustering
print.gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
print.jointExcCurve Joint exceedance curves
print.lp.evmOpt Predict return levels from extreme value models, or obtain the linear predictors.
print.MCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
print.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
print.mexList Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
print.mrl Mean residual life plot
print.rl.evmOpt Return levels
print.summary.bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
print.summary.chi Measures of extremal dependence
print.summary.evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
print.summary.gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
print.summary.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
print.summary.mrl Mean residual life plot
print.summary.texmexFamily Create families of distributions
print.texmexFamily Create families of distributions

-- Q --

qegp3 Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the extended generalized Pareto distribution 3
qgev Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized extreme value distribution
qglo Generalized logistic distribution
qgpd Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized Pareto distribution
qgumbel The Gumbel distribution

-- R --

rain Rain, wavesurge, portpirie and nidd datasets.
rain, wavesurge and portpirie Rain, wavesurge, portpirie and nidd datasets.
regp3 Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the extended generalized Pareto distribution 3
rFrechet Extreme Value random process generation.
rgev Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized extreme value distribution
rglo Generalized logistic distribution
rgpd Density, cumulative density, quantiles and random number generation for the generalized Pareto distribution
rgumbel The Gumbel distribution
rl Return levels
rl.evmBoot Return levels
rl.evmOpt Return levels
rl.evmSim Return levels
rMaxAR Extreme Value random process generation.

-- S --

simulate.evmBoot Simulate from a fitted evm object
simulate.evmOpt Simulate from a fitted evm object
simulate.evmSim Simulate from a fitted evm object
summary.bootMCS Multivariate conditional Spearman's rho
summary.chi Measures of extremal dependence Cross-validation for a model object
summary.evmBoot Bootstrap an evmOpt fit
summary.gpdRangeFit Estimate generalized Pareto distribution parameters over a range of values
summary.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
summary.mrl Mean residual life plot
summary.predict.mex Conditional multivariate extreme values modelling
summary.texmexFamily Create families of distributions
summer Air pollution data, separately for summer and winter months
summer and winter data Air pollution data, separately for summer and winter months

-- T --

texmex Extreme value modelling
texmexFamily Create families of distributions
thinAndBurn Process Metropolis output from extreme value model fitting to discard unwanted observations.
thinAndBurn.evmSim Process Metropolis output from extreme value model fitting to discard unwanted observations.

-- W --

wavesurge Rain, wavesurge, portpirie and nidd datasets.
weibull Create families of distributions
winter Air pollution data, separately for summer and winter months

-- misc --

.exprel Accurately compute (exp(x) - 1) / x
.log1mexp Accurately compute log(1-exp(x))
.log1prel Accurately compute log(1 + x) / x Compute pmax(x y, -1) in such a way that zeros in x beat infinities in y.