tetragon {tetragon} | R Documentation |
Each sequence is predicted by expanding the distance matrix. The compact set of hyper-parameters is tuned via grid or random search.
seq_len = NULL,
smoother = F,
ci = 0.8,
method = NULL,
distr = NULL,
n_windows = 3,
n_sample = 30,
dates = NULL,
error_scale = "naive",
error_benchmark = "naive",
seed = 42
df |
A data frame with time features as columns. They could be continuous variables or not. |
seq_len |
Positive integer. Time-step number of the projected sequence. Default: NULL (random selection between maximum boundaries). |
smoother |
Logical. Perform optimal smoothing using standard loess. Default: FALSE |
ci |
Confidence interval. Default: 0.8. |
method |
String. Distance method for calculating distance matrix among sequences. Options are: "euclidean", "manhattan", "maximum", "minkowski". Default: NULL (random selection among all possible options). |
distr |
String. Distribution used to expand the distance matrix. Options are: "norm", "logis", "t", "exp", "chisq". Default: NULL (random selection among all possible options). |
n_windows |
Positive integer. Number of validation tests to measure/sample error. Default: 3 (but a larger value is strongly suggested to really understand your accuracy). |
n_sample |
Positive integer. Number of samples for random search. Default: 30. |
dates |
Date. Vector with dates for time features. |
error_scale |
String. Scale for the scaled error metrics (only for continuous variables). Two options: "naive" (average of naive one-step absolute error for the historical series) or "deviation" (standard error of the historical series). Default: "naive". |
error_benchmark |
String. Benchmark for the relative error metrics (only for continuous variables). Two options: "naive" (sequential extension of last value) or "average" (mean value of true sequence). Default: "naive". |
seed |
Positive integer. Random seed. Default: 42. |
This function returns a list including:
exploration: list of all explored models, complete with predictions, testing metrics and plots
history: a table with the sampled models, hyper-parameters, validation errors
best: results for the best model including:
predictions: min, max, q25, q50, q75, quantiles at selected ci, and a bunch of specific measures for each point fo predicted sequences
testing_errors: testing errors for one-step and sequence for each ts feature
plots: confidence interval plot for each time feature
Giancarlo Vercellino giancarlo.vercellino@gmail.com
See Also
Useful links:
tetragon(covid_in_europe[, c(2, 4)], seq_len = 40, n_sample = 2)